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Dumb as in a bad idea, or dumb as in not good for domainers?

If they are advertising a generic style term where there is heavy competition in Google it probably doesn't make sense but it if it is a brand name is is probably going down the path of least resistance for consumers. That is especially the case for domains that fail the radio test.

e.g. if my company is "xyz marketing pty ltd" what % of people are going to search google for "xyz marketing" even if I tell them it is xyzmarketing.com.au.

I don't know which method of marketing is better but with the "search for us on google" not going away I wouldn't write it off either.

I think the argument is a specific campaign based.

i.e. what would be better

A. Citibank tv promotion is go to citibank.com.au/tv
B. creditcard.com.au

Interesting to note. A search on citibank tv returns a bad review on first page.


Top Contributor
Congrats on the sale Mike - you are right about many companies not getting it. I regularly see some dumb marketing by many large corporates, for instance, on radio and TV they say 'just search [name] in Google' - really dumb

I have worked with a few companies where this has happened in the past.

The issue with big companies is you have a huge marketing team maybe 50 people. And EVERYONE is involved with different things. Usually someone who is in charge of the bill boards has a "smart idea" to make a Massive banner roll out over Sydney where it shows "search for XYZ product" on Google.

Usually a day before it goes live all over the city or something silly like that. You get an email from the marketing person who you have never met who is like "HI SEO person we need to rank tomorrow for XYZ product term"

In the end of the day you explain it is not possible in a day as that is a competitive term, then you say the only thing in 24 hours for this we can do is paid search. And we can start pushing SEO now for this term.

Personally I am NOT a fan of those "Search XYZ" style ads as heaps of affiliates and competitors can easily cash in on the searches.

The best type of marketing you can drive people from offline to online is via URLS which are targeted to that campaign.


gym.com.au/nova -(nova radio campaign landing page)
gym.com.au/sydney - (Sydney trains bill boards promo)

And so on, you then have targeted traffic stats from the campaign.

This is 101 style stuff but many people stuff it up...

The only way I would EVER think of doing something where you can have an impact on queries would be a TV budget where you can drive people to "Generic Term + Brand" you could impact the auto suggest but then again it is VERY risky.


Top Contributor
Usually a day before it goes live all over the city or something silly like that. You get an email from the marketing person who you have never met who is like "HI SEO person we need to rank tomorrow for XYZ product term" ...

ahhh... that makes me laugh "Hi, it's marketing here..." :D

So is sex .com .au actually going up for sale?

Or is it just an appraisal at this stage?


Top Contributor
if you are advertising weddings.com.au or xyzweddings.com.au you still need to be in "branding mode" with everything you do , obviousely weddings.com.au is the easier to brand.

if you are dubbowedhire.com.au then go buy a better domain before you waste money on even a business card !



story: potential client rings me yesterday and says they want a website, they want to register their domain name that is their business name.

(fake.... but bloody close !!!) confidentdentalhygieneexperts.com.au


need i say more !



Top Contributor
The issue with big companies is you have a huge marketing team maybe 50 people. And EVERYONE is involved with different things.

or more like " And EVERYONE trying to justify their existence "



oh oh oh mr boss of marketing, I HAVE IT !!! tomorrow we should make our site www greencard dot com.au rank number ONE for the search term "credit cards " :D

i'll phone the seo guy right now !

( 2 days later ) no mr boss of marketing I did phone seo guy but I think we should look for someone else as he let us down.

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