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Brisbane Meetup 2013


Top Contributor
When does it end?

HA HA HA, well.......... its like this.......... we are all friendly:D, then tipsy, then someone suggests we go to another bar......:)......... from there :eek:

then tim finds himself in the casino alone and catches the 5am train in the morning home.

so your answer is........ it doesn't end.


Blue Wren

Top Contributor
I've been struggling with some persistent headache (type of thing) for nearly 2 weeks. I hope I come good by Friday.


Top Contributor
Just letting everyone know that there's been some family issues that have arisen, so I may or may not make it; i'll post in this thread with a definite answer by tomorrow night.. if I do make it, it will only be for a short-time.


Top Contributor
Table is booked in for 2pm under 'DNTrade'.

We should have the table on the Ann St side near the windows if they guy stays true to his word.

See y'all there.


Top Contributor
it is going to be a great meetup, for those not able to come thats all cool and hope to see you another time, getting your priorities right in life is the most valuable thing i think, health and family are top bill.

i'm looking forward to meeting up with whoever attends.


Blue Wren

Top Contributor
Last minute I know; but I didn't think I'd make it.
If any one knows of any (half decent) hotels in the area let me know. Thanks :)


Top Contributor
I've been struggling with some persistent headache (type of thing) for nearly 2 weeks. I hope I come good by Friday.
I been struggling with a persistent headache for 5 years!
Ever since I married her. :D

Hope u feel better soon.

Blue Wren

Top Contributor
Thanks to everyone who attended. :D

Had a great time catching up with old faces and meeting some new ones.

A+ for Effort goes to Tim and Chris, (flew up from Vic).

Cheers guys.

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