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Brisbane Meetup 2013

Mike Robertson

Top Contributor
Thanks for organizing it Shane! And Tim for extending the invite.

Was really good seeing everyone, sorry I had to bail early - soccer commitments.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend all!


Top Contributor
A big thanks to everyone who came along on Friday night, and also to Andrew and Drop.com.au for keeping everyone hydrated. :)

It was good to catch up with everyone again, and good to meet you face-to-face Chris.

The numbers were down a little on last year, but it was still a good meet up.

What time did the last of you kick on 'til? I think it was around 10:30pm that I left.


Top Contributor
It was good to catch up with everyone again, and good to meet you face-to-face Chris.

What time did the last of you kick on 'til? I think it was around 10:30pm that I left.

Great to see you all again and good to meet Chris.

Where did you guys end up (or shouldn't I ask)?



Top Contributor
its was chris's fault , he had a 6am flight back to melbourne so we went to the casino to burn time and even though i don't gamble we played some "sic bo" and we won $150 sooooooooooo went to the bar again, chris left at @ 4am? and i got home at @ 6.30am, had a shower, then hoped into a shuttle to ballina.

so end result i was awake from ipswich at 7am friday till ballina 1am sunday.

can't wait for sydney this friday :D !!!

thanks everyone who came, its really worth the connection, yes we do talk crap and its not all business but the face face is a GREAT thing.



Top Contributor
Hey guys. Good to see a few of you again. Sorry I had to head off before most of you even got there.

Next time I'll do my best to be one of the last men standing...

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