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Past experiences with Flippa


Top Contributor
Jonathan, we can all handle open debate but your tone is very aggressive and doesn't improve your position,

I'll point out that due diligence is the buyers' responsibility

and has been for centuries.

if you don't like coles shop at woolies, problem solved. keep you point to the subject and not the person is my view.



Archived Member
Jonathan, we can all handle open debate but your tone is very aggressive and doesn't improve your position,

and has been for centuries.

if you don't like coles shop at woolies, problem solved. keep you point to the subject and not the person is my view.


This isn't about deciding where to shop, it's about Flippa facilitating scams. This isn't about buyer beware or someone buying something they don't really understand, they're scams from the get go. I don't expect you to comprehend this as you are stupid.
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Regular Member
Hi Jonathan,

Thanks for your prompt reply. What you're pointing out isn't new, unfortunately, and still, once again, why we ask two things from our buyers: to do thorough due diligence, and to report fraudulent auctions to our support team.

We have a team actively looking for auctions like these; often they spot them, sometimes, they don't.

That's as far as my answer's going to go. Once again, sorry if that's not what you're looking for.


Archived Member
Why is it up to users to police the website though? The 5k scam was #1 in most active all weekend yet your team of people looking for such auctions couldn't even spot that? I applaud Flippa for employing those with a disabilities such as blindness but perhaps they're not suited to the job. Let's be honest, Flippa doesn't give a f*ck provided they continue to get fees and only act when it's brought to their attention. You don't proactively monitor the site as that'd eat into the bottom line. Don't pretend these things are few and far between.

First you accuse me of doctoring the images as they look strange and then you give a generic answer. If your staff and fraud detection system can't even detect something so simple, I'd rather go play in a minefield because at least I have a chance.
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Regular Member
<snip> provided they continue to get fees and only act when it's brought to their attention.

Yep, well, this isn't productive. I'm out.
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Blue Wren

Top Contributor
Wow! Was it really necessary to get nasty? I was enjoying the banter between jonathan B and flippa, as some good points were raised. Are personal attacks really needed here?


Top Contributor
Jonathan your personal attacks and abuse of other members and a moderator are way over the top and not acceptable here.

We always appreciate constructive comments, but if you want to continue along this line I suggest that you should look for another forum.



Top Contributor
Wow! Was it really necessary to get nasty? I was enjoying the banter between jonathan B and flippa, as some good points were raised. Are personal attacks really needed here?

I agree.

Let's keep the topic on track.

I've had mixed experiences with Flippa (just like eBay, DNF etc.) but there's no need to get personal.

Because Flippa are in Melbourne I've met a few of their team and they're very aware of the issues and always working on improving things. Fraud is a massive problem for all marketplaces, if you have any practical ideas pass them on the team.

Flippa have published a bunch of useful guides and tips:


Also useful even if you're not using Flippa for buying and selling domains or websites :)

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Top Contributor
Jonathan your personal attacks and abuse of other members and a moderator are way over the top and not acceptable here.

We always appreciate constructive comments, but if you want to continue along this line I suggest that you should look for another forum.


lets take the moderator out of it, jonathan i want an apology, me, findtim, no moderator but as a member i will not accept or think i deserve to be spoken to like that. choose carefully jonathan as every member is waiting to see if you are someone we can trust or someone who holds a knife behind their back.

Jonathan, I don't know whether this is characteristic of your behaviour normally, or whether this is simply an aberration. Regardless, I strongly suggest you apologise and make amends. No infringement is beyond redemption, so don't let a moment of unbridled anger/frustration result in your ejection from this community. Apologise and let's move on.


Archived Member
1) Tim has not posted anything other than to white knight in this thread. Nothing to do with experiences with Flippa or fraud. In fact, he's been unreasonable in his attempts to stop this discussion to begin with.

2) OLechat went one better than name calling, she suggested I had doctored the images and then declines to reply when I suggest Stevie Wonder moonlights at Flippa. I know which comment I think is far more inappropriate and it isn't mine.

lets take the moderator out of it, jonathan i want an apology, me, findtim, no moderator but as a member i will not accept or think i deserve to be spoken to like that. choose carefully jonathan as every member is waiting to see if you are someone we can trust or someone who holds a knife behind their back.

3) Tim, if you're waiting for an apology, you'll be waiting a very long time. You are an idiot and I don't personally care what anyone thinks of me, if it changes their opinion of me one way or the other. Anyone that thinks you're not an idiot is probably an idiot themselves.
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Top Contributor
Let's keep this topic on track please.

Jonathan, I see where you're coming from but personal attacks aren't on. I've put you on moderation until you can follow the rules.


Archived Member
What a joke.

Olechat is free to accuse me of doctoring images, Findtim can't even stay on topic yet a few childish comments merit moderation. No need for it, I'll no longer be posting here.


Top Contributor
Interesting to see Olechat run for the hills when the heat gets turned up.

Name calling aside it really shows Flippa don't care too much IMO.

The comments about them turning a blind eye as long as the fees keep rolling in seems pretty valid to me.

It's a shame they can't stand up and say "thanks for pointing this out we WILL fix this"


Top Contributor
Interesting to see Olechat run for the hills when the heat gets turned up.

Name calling aside it really shows Flippa don't care too much IMO.

The comments about them turning a blind eye as long as the fees keep rolling in seems pretty valid to me.

It's a shame they can't stand up and say "thanks for pointing this out we WILL fix this"

I think the thread is a valid one too, but swearing and name calling (now removed) definitely doesn't help the discussion.

I hope we can get OLechat back to help open communications since many of us here use Flippa.



Top Contributor
Interesting to see Olechat run for the hills when the heat gets turned up.

Name calling aside it really shows Flippa don't care too much IMO.

The comments about them turning a blind eye as long as the fees keep rolling in seems pretty valid to me.

It's a shame they can't stand up and say "thanks for pointing this out we WILL fix this"

Some good points yet again Paul.

It's a shame this thread got sidetracked by personal abuse. JonathanB raised some excellent points, and like many others on here, I'm interested in the responses from Flippa's rep. I hope it gets back on track.

I'm a great believer in free speech (as I believe most of us are), but not in repeated personal abuse towards someone if you don't like them; or if you don't agree with them.


Top Contributor
We have a team actively looking for auctions like these; often they spot them, sometimes, they don't.

I'd have to question the ability of this team if they somehow manage to miss what a single person (Jonathan) has been finding on his own in what seems to be incredibly little time :eek:

I hope we can get OLechat back to help open communications since many of us here use Flippa.

Judging from the responses thus far, I think that even if a flippa representative does come back to respond we'll just get the standard responses again.


Archived Member
I'd have to question the ability of this team if they somehow manage to miss what a single person (Jonathan) has been finding on his own in what seems to be incredibly little time :eek:

Yeah, takes like 10 seconds.


I know I said I would no longer post but...

The 8 bids are totally legitimate, we have checked to ensure the members message each other!
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