everydrop.com.au - $7,000
Wow! Great result, but having looked at the history, I'm now confused as to strategy David. You suggest on Netfleet that domains that are listed at a low starting price generally get better results i.e. more offers leading to higher bids etc.
This domain was listed in late April with a starting price of $7000, and then sold this week with just one bid. It's not as if it's a popular generic name, so there has got to be more to it surely?
Please ease my confusion!
Cheers, Ned
Great result for a great name.
This beats the previous biggest sale since deregulation of freestuff.com.au for $18,700..
Brings the total sales on Netfleet this month (we are only half way through) to $82,789.
I think things are starting to kick up a gear or two...