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Domain Sales List 2009


Top Contributor
I thought I'd posted some of these... anyway here are some more from last few days:

funny.net.au $50
backpacker.net.au $200
blurayshop.com.au $100
autographs.com.au $550
integrale.com.au $200
negativeequity.com.au $600


Top Contributor
I thought autographs.com.au was good buying, could easly be made into an outlet for selling signed autographs and I dare say that's what it will end up being.



April/May Sales

Thought I'd pipe up with a few of our more recent sales...

Partisan.com.au - $750
InternationalFreight.com.au - $800
NightOut.com.au - $1000
MeasureUp.com.au - $2000
Nuptials.com.au - $1300
DesignDevelopment.com.au - $600
Schooltime.com.au - $605
PaintingServices.com.au - $750
AdelaideLand.com.au - $850




Top Contributor
Nice work Andrew

I think it's really important to publicise every sale that we can. The more sales history, the more both buyers and sellers can benchmark prices and meet the market.

Well done, mate some good sales there.


Rest of 2009

Thanks David. Here's the rest of the 2009 sales that we are able to publish:

Grainmill.com.au - $550
IncentiveRewards.com.au - $550
SydneyDvd.com.au - $715
Skeet.com.au -$1320
Kidding.com.au - $561
Homey.com.au - $500
PetEnclosure.com.au - $500




Top Contributor
Few more sales to report:

fishingmagazine.com.au $600
laptoptable.com.au $520
mobilewebsites.com.au $500
fsa.com.au $500

Two others (small ones) pending as well.




Top Contributor
Some private sales

Hi Soj / fellow domainers,

Just wanted to pass on some sales I have recently made. With all of these, I went looking for the end user. This tactic has been suggested by others, and I can wholeheartedly endorse it! In this market, I think you have to be proactive, and also be prepared to offer payment terms to secure a deal.

anklebiter.com.au / anklebiters.com.au - package deal $750.00 (sold to a couple running an online kid's clothing business). Payment over 3 months.

dojo.com.au - $1250.00 - sold to a Karate School. Paid.

bankaholic.com.au - $2000.00 - 25% deposit paid, plus 5 monthly payments of $300 ea. Buyer has use of domain, but I retain ownership until fully paid.

Cheers, Ned


Top Contributor
Well done... you deserve to succeed because you took action... picked up the phone and actually talked to other people.

The great thing with domain names is that they are flexible... eg letting people try before they buy. Hard to do this with real-estate... kicking people out is such a hastle... but with domain names it's all easy.

Once again, well done.

Although i do admit bankaholic sounds a bit silly... would have also thought it would be worth only $25 if even that.

Did you sell it to a mortgage broker or something


Top Contributor
Thanks for your kind words Ross.

With regards bankaholic.com.au, I always believed I could sell this for a reasonable amount - given what the .com version sold for ($US15/16 million). All I did was "plant the seed" with bloggers and people in the finance industry. A simple email with links to 3 stories confirming the sale got me over the line. In fact, I reckon if I held out a bit longer, I could have probably got more! I had quite a few interested parties.

Cheers, Ned


Top Contributor
Well done, Ned. Those are some great sales. You clearly have had success marketing to end-users (unlike me with my limited attempts)

Maybe this could be a service you provide & you could be Australia's first dedicated .AU domain broker?!

Another sale @ Netfleet while I'm here - conveyancingnsw.com.au for $500


Top Contributor
You could have always thrown in an offer yourself, Ross ;)

I guess it just shows you never know what the seller really wants for the domain. If they value it below what you do, then there should be a deal in there somewhere. It's really that simple.

Here are some of the latest offers on Netfleet that I reckon would be steals if accepted:

joyflights.com.au - $220
blacktown.com.au - $1,000
elizabeth.com.au - $800
germany.com.au - $200
un.com.au - $400
handbags.com.au - $200
hx.com.au - $100

And many many more. I guess what I'm saying is, if you do have some cash to spare, get in amongst it and throw some offers in!!!


Top Contributor
And a record to announce!

mortgage.net.au just sold on Netfleet for $13,500. This is, I believe a record for a net.au. Well done both buyer and seller!

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