Thanks Ash and Andrew.
Good question Ash. I've been working online for a while, for others and myself. I like the idea of having sites generating income for me. However, I found it frustrating when I would spend considerable time on coming up with a good name, only to find it taken and not used etc. When you throw the cost of PPC into the mix, all of a sudden having additional domains starts to make more sense.
So having exact match (search terms) and type in domains starts to provide real value. I can use these to promote my own sites, other peoples sites or I can invest and on sell them (for the right price of course

) for a profit.
This year, I had an interesting experience that reaffirmed I was on a good path. I managed to procure close to 90 domains for $1,000 only to have one domain sell less than 4 weeks later. Almost covering the purchase cost of the entire bunch of domains. I don't know about you guys, but that is pretty good return on investment.
Pity my wakeup call was too slow when it came to the AU market. When I first considered it, the rules where very rigid and being so young I had others things on my mind. Now, I'm very eager to get involved.