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Hi - Mat from Melbourne


Regular Member
Hi Everyone.

You seem like a great bunch, so I thought I'd sign up and have a chin wag with you all.

I'm probably too fresh to add much value to the domaining topics, but I hope to learn from you all and contribute in other ways.

I look forward to getting to know you.

All the best,


Regular Member
Thanks Ash and Andrew.

Good question Ash. I've been working online for a while, for others and myself. I like the idea of having sites generating income for me. However, I found it frustrating when I would spend considerable time on coming up with a good name, only to find it taken and not used etc. When you throw the cost of PPC into the mix, all of a sudden having additional domains starts to make more sense.

So having exact match (search terms) and type in domains starts to provide real value. I can use these to promote my own sites, other peoples sites or I can invest and on sell them (for the right price of course;) ) for a profit.

This year, I had an interesting experience that reaffirmed I was on a good path. I managed to procure close to 90 domains for $1,000 only to have one domain sell less than 4 weeks later. Almost covering the purchase cost of the entire bunch of domains. I don't know about you guys, but that is pretty good return on investment.

Pity my wakeup call was too slow when it came to the AU market. When I first considered it, the rules where very rigid and being so young I had others things on my mind. Now, I'm very eager to get involved.


Regular Member
Thanks Oz. I'm hoping to get to it. It would be great to meet you guys in person.

Thanks FirstPageResults. You're very kind. I still have a long way to go mate.


Top Contributor
Hi Mat - welcome to Dntrade & domaining.

And don't worry you're never too late... earlier always seems better in hindsight but as long as the market keeps growing any time to jump in is a good time!




Top Contributor
Hi Mat,

Good to have you here at DN Trade. I've noticed your name on a few drops that I was competing for. ;) Bugger!

Looking forward to your contributions.

And I guess we have to ask - particularly as you bought aflfixture.com.au - what team do you barrack for? :)

Cheers, Ned (Admin)


Regular Member
Thanks David. Don't you just love hindsight.

Thanks Ned. What can I say, great minds think alike. ;)
The mighty Bombers! We're off to a good start, but it is still early.


Regular Member
Thanks Link and courier.

@Link They are travelling well under Hird this year. :) It would be awesome for them to make the finals in his first year.

@Courier, I've collected a few au now, so it is time to make them earn their way.
I like your freight calculator - if you don't mind I'll pm you a question or two later.

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