That's a terrible comment from Mr Disspain... just simply untrue. I think this sort of thing is a symptom of auDA's fear of monetisation. Anyone who was on the latest panel will attest of the real fear from many of the participants that:
a) the web was overrun with spammy monetised sites
b) that Google had no idea how to sort the results so we need more regulation
c) that owners of these monetised sites would deliberately try to place non-relevant ads on these pages
Yes this is nothing to do with auDA as far as I know. Not sure why they were quoted really. Ausregistry on the other hand who will be providing management services for many of these new registries have a lot to gain... I have doubts these new extensions will have much success but good luck to them.
As for waste of taxpayers money... who knows. Not a great deal in the scheme of things I guess. Also always happy to see an article on domains names in the mainstream media