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Cities battle over geo domains


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What is Auda doing???

* Making silly extensions, people are still going to use .com, .com.au and .net they are not really going to move over. Why do cities need this stuff becuase I mean they missed out on Sydney.com.au or something, will then just use the Visit NSW.com.au domain what is wrong with that it is on all branding.
* Back page adverts which i doubt would drive awareness for high prices.
(really need cost effective advertising which can be measured) PPC, Display, CPA models imo..


Top Contributor
Adding more australian domain extensions means= domains sold means = more auda revenue.

No matter how pointless the extension is or misinformed buyers are of the new extension

This is why some people are pushing to have another new extension of .au ( instead of .com.au or .net.au or .org.au or .id.au etc )added to Australia . They just want to sell more names but in the end it can stuff up an industry and also confuse users.

What chaos would happen if AUDA ran a generic name auction and released 50,000 new .au names? Sure AUDA would make a lot of money again but it would create chaos. Imagine a release of new namesat an auction like : jobs.au, electricity.au, water.au, travel.au, cars.au, homes.au, realestate.au, rsvp.au, carsales.au, People could be forced to buy the name to protect their existing .com.au at crazy auction prices or face a new direct confusing competitor

The domain extension issue is clear. AUDA please DONT keep adding new domain extensions it creates chaos and confusion for users, businesses etc !
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Data Glasses

Top Contributor
This is a Icann Initiative ........ Not Auda

when you apply, you will be applying to Icann

Perhaps i am incorrect but it is the approved applicant that is running the extension to my knowledge

'ICANN has finalised procedures and protocols for private and public organisations to apply to operate so-called generic TLDs, which could include .food or a brand name as .ebay or .westpac'


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Expert comment:

Mr Disspain said....

"At the moment, if you type Melbourne into Google, chances are you will be inundated with a heap of monetised websites that provide you with links to a heap of other monetised websites that then provide links, eventually, to something that might be of use," he said.

When I search 'Melbourne' I get nothing but relevant results.


Top Contributor
I would imagine there would be a very limited travel market for extensions such as .sydney and .melbourne, and that is about it. Big waste of money in my view.

It is a wonder the Brisbane city council isn't in on the act as well after their latest bungling.


Top Contributor
.syd and .mel would be better for a domain extension but still think either would be a waste.


Top Contributor
Expert comment:

Mr Disspain said....

"At the moment, if you type Melbourne into Google, chances are you will be inundated with a heap of monetised websites that provide you with links to a heap of other monetised websites that then provide links, eventually, to something that might be of use," he said.

When I search 'Melbourne' I get nothing but relevant results.

That's a terrible comment from Mr Disspain... just simply untrue. I think this sort of thing is a symptom of auDA's fear of monetisation. Anyone who was on the latest panel will attest of the real fear from many of the participants that:

a) the web was overrun with spammy monetised sites
b) that Google had no idea how to sort the results so we need more regulation
c) that owners of these monetised sites would deliberately try to place non-relevant ads on these pages

This is a Icann Initiative ........ Not Auda

Yes this is nothing to do with auDA as far as I know. Not sure why they were quoted really. Ausregistry on the other hand who will be providing management services for many of these new registries have a lot to gain... I have doubts these new extensions will have much success but good luck to them.

As for waste of taxpayers money... who knows. Not a great deal in the scheme of things I guess. Also always happy to see an article on domains names in the mainstream media :)


Top Contributor
That's a terrible comment from Mr Disspain... just simply untrue. I think this sort of thing is a symptom of auDA's fear of monetisation. Anyone who was on the latest panel will attest of the real fear from many of the participants that:

a) the web was overrun with spammy monetised sites
b) that Google had no idea how to sort the results so we need more regulation
c) that owners of these monetised sites would deliberately try to place non-relevant ads on these pages

Yes this is nothing to do with auDA as far as I know. Not sure why they were quoted really. Ausregistry on the other hand who will be providing management services for many of these new registries have a lot to gain... I have doubts these new extensions will have much success but good luck to them.

As for waste of taxpayers money... who knows. Not a great deal in the scheme of things I guess. Also always happy to see an article on domains names in the mainstream media :)

Agree with you 100% about the AUDA CEO's comment being wrong and inappropriate! Obviously some at AUDA still have little respect for domainers or monetisation/ Lets see Them come out and name Australia's biggest monetisation / domainers Fairfax Media who now own majority interest in over 30,000 .com.au monetised / developed domain names www.omg.com.au Would be interesting to see what happened to AUDA or the Auda CEO if they named Fairfax Media when they said such backhanded comments.

Is the CEO position at AUDA forever or does it go out for contract renewal and new applications? There would be many qualified new CEO's. Why cant new qualified people be given a chance at the AUDA CEO job.
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