I tried desperately to extract some educational value from such a remark however I had better luck getting blood from a stone.
I agree that in this thread Snoopy wasn't offering huge amounts of value your way. That said, I was more referring to previous threads.
Also I have found it is generally easy to work out who knows there stuff, but you will get better advice from them when you come across open minded and don't call those who are just stating the obvious a "pompous twat".
This may be hard for you to swallow as I gather Snoopy is somewhat revered by you
I know he knows more about domaining than I do. So I respect him for that, though I do tend to agree that he can be a bit blunt from time to time, though I think you will find he contributes valuable information and insights to conversations of substance.
That said, I think it's understandable that members of a forum would want to protect the integrity of the information on these forums. So it's worth considering that there are people on these forums that make full time livings from their online ventures and too much hyperbole from someone who is trying to start their online ventures can be distracting.
That said I'm all for helping, as I'm sure most members of these forums are, but as I have highlighted previously it's always easier to help someone who makes it easy to help them.
Also you don't need to sell the crap out of your domains on these forums. Nor should you list them for ridiculous prices and expect our comments to be positive.
Offer them for sale by all means, but everyone here is pretty savvy to the domaining game, so there is no need for say things like this:
the biggest PRIVATE SALE
good ones as you would expect with such a big number
Comments appreciated - orders even more appreciated
If you are looking to employ a
greater fool theory, this isn't the forum to be selling it, because everyone here knows that game and they will call you out on it.