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is this the biggest PRIVATE SALE ??

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Top Contributor
just wondering if there has previously been a single bigger offering of dot com names in here - Private Sale that is - ?

www.Names3D.com - nearly 1,200 dot com 3D Domains (some good ones as you would expect with such a big number :) )

I will be adding nearl 600 AU domains when I recover from this exercise :)

Comments appreciated - orders even more appreciated :D


site sucks but gets the message out there I suppose - any hints on how best to put an excel spreadsheet on the web??.


Archived Member
You should be able to use google docs to download a spreadsheet as an html file and then just upload that to your site.


Top Contributor
sold many ?

wow, you have spent alot of money buying all these 3d domain names, have you had much luck selling any to date?


Top Contributor
some good ones as you would expect with such a big number
Comments appreciated - orders even more appreciated :D

And a hell of lot of average ones as well

Re the spreadsheet
do what others have suggested and upload PDF or Html file
if you can't , then send details to me and I will translate/upload excel file


Top Contributor
And a hell of lot of average ones as well

Re the spreadsheet
do what others have suggested and upload PDF or Html file
if you can't , then send details to me and I will translate/upload excel file

yes - a hell of a lot of average ones - great observation given that I had already said that - everyone is a critic - if I get 10 good ones out of that bunch I will be happy - a 200:1 ratio

but yes some crappy ones - if you read the site you will see that I actually use the word crap in reference to some of my domains.

It seems they are all worthless so I am selling the whole kit and kaboodle for $2000 - last count was 2,064 domains, so less than $1 each. My problem is no-one will but them because they are worthless - rock and a hard place right? Trying to get out of the business and still getting nowhere :(

So thanks for the tips on the excel uploads but I will not be wasting one more minute on this pile of crap.


Top Contributor
Has there ever been a lower quality offering?
I'm sure there have been...


either you have a great sense of humor Snoopy or you are a pompous twat - which is it?
You'd probably be better off trying to learn from Snoopy than hating him for pointing out the obvious and saying what everyone else is thinking.

No one likes looking bad, but you'll go a lot further if you take your mistakes in your stride. And everyone on these forums has made em... I even made a thread about it:


...and these are only the mistakes people are willing to acknowledge publicly.


It seems they are all worthless so I am selling the whole kit and kaboodle for $2000 - last count was 2,064 domains, so less than $1 each. My problem is no-one will but them because they are worthless - rock and a hard place right? Trying to get out of the business and still getting nowhere :(
The thing about buying crap domains is that they are so hard to do anything with and there is no money spending time developing domains with no end user value.

Maybe you could try to find some black hat spammer who just wants throw away domains names at a dirt cheap prices to create some link wheel, splog empire or something...


So thanks for the tips on the excel uploads but I will not be wasting one more minute on this pile of crap.
Just remember...

Bad investments happen even to the best. Warren Buffett never took a risk that he could not outlive and he did learn from these blunders.

And I commend you for making sure you don't let one portfolio of bad investments steal what is still worth a lot - your time.

Often we get caught in our own psychology of trying to salvage bad investments for no return on our time when we should be moving onto more fruitful projects.


Archived Member
Just remember...

Bad investments happen even to the best. Warren Buffett never took a risk that he could not outlive and he did learn from these blunders.

And I commend you for making sure you don't let one portfolio of bad investments steal what is still worth a lot - your time.

Often we get caught in our own psychology of trying to salvage bad investments for no return on our time when we should be moving onto more fruitful projects.

Hear, hear. It's not easy to let go of domains but it's in your best interest once you know the project/domain/whatever is worthless. Everyone makes purchasing mistakes. A few months ago I spent $700 on a domain that is worthless, I doubt I'll bother renewing it when that time rocks around.

My mistake was either a costly one or a cheap lesson. I like to think of it as the latter.


Top Contributor
Maybe you could try to find some black hat spammer who just wants throw away domains names at a dirt cheap prices to create some link wheel, splog empire or something...

cnc is right, best to see if you can offload to a black hat seo to recover capital. try one of their forums.

By the way: Are you getting any significant traffic at all on these domains?


Top Contributor
cnc is right, best to see if you can offload to a black hat seo to recover capital. try one of their forums.

By the way: Are you getting any significant traffic at all on these domains?

Is there a market for this? Not sure really.

I would think the names might need to be in the right area at least? eg what can a spammer actually sell with 2700 3d related domains?

Maybe a good option for shags to offload these is just to have a no reserve auction on ebay and market it wherever possible, start it from $1 and let the market speak. I would suggest not having all these categories and extra text on the listing, just a list of the names and nothing else.

As it is now who is going to buy from a list of names like that with crazy price tags on site where names are split into groups of 20?


Top Contributor
You'd probably be better off trying to learn from Snoopy than hating him for pointing out the obvious and saying what everyone else is thinking..

But at the same token I think it's a bit rough for snoopy to say such things on a public forum where he's trying to sell them.

Maybe a good option for shags to offload these is just to have a no reserve auction on ebay and market it wherever possible, start it from $1 and let the market speak.

I think that's the best advice. However with these sorts of names it's important that you include:

1) How much registration is left on each of the names
2) How much traffic the names get in total

Good luck!


Top Contributor
But at the same token I think it's a bit rough for snoopy to say such things on a public forum where he's trying to sell them.

I think this would be a fair point if there was one thread in the sales section as opposed to what has happened here which is starting 2 threads in different forums that are not for domain sales.

In my view a thread in general discussion is up for "general discussion" and he has also said "comments appreciated". So if it really nothing more than a sales pitch then it is up for two way discussion in my view because of the place and manner in which it has been posted.


Top Contributor
But at the same token I think it's a bit rough for snoopy to say such things on a public forum where he's trying to sell them.
Snoopy was blunt, but we live in a world where so often people are too politically correct when people really need someone to be blunt with them so they can actually make a difference in their own lives. Living in delusion doesn't help anyone and the sooner someone comes back to reality the sooner they can get on with living in reality.

Through life I have learned at some point you need to accept that not everyone is great at communication. Actually 99% of people generally suck at it (myself included - I don't have the patience and don't tolerate fools).

Yet when it comes to learning so many people demand that their egos not be hurt through the process, but when those that are doing the teaching have little to gain from teaching (eg snoopy) you can't expect them to invest large amounts of their time, energy and knowledge into delivering their lesson with perfect communication.

Therefore from my perspective the onus is on the learner to accept that perfect communication is not a skill that most have, therefore attentive listening that is capable of hearing the value in what is being said without feeling devalued by how it is being said is critical.

Anything short of this will mean that you're left wandering through life unable to learn from the critical feedback that people offer.

EDIT: After writing the above response I decided to post it on my personal blog where I'm collecting my thoughts on many things which I thought I'd link to so I get some value form being the "teacher" in this instance - :) - http://www.chriscunliffe.com/111-the-onus-is-on-the-learner-to-listen

Is there a market for this? Not sure really.
Probably not, I was only suggesting it because they were the only sorts of people who I though would find value in having a large number of throw away domain names.
Last edited:


Top Contributor
I just wish I could get as many bites when I go fishing. CNC - I agree with your philosophical offering and I actually did apply it to Snoopys' post which was "Has there ever been a lower quality offering?" - like I said I applied your approach, I read the response 4 times at different speads and even zoomed in - I verbalized it mentally in English twice, in pidgin english 3 times, Latin once and Hebrew twice but it still said the same thing - I tried desperately to extract some educational value from such a remark however I had better luck getting blood from a stone. This may be hard for you to swallow as I gather Snoopy is somewhat revered by you - but hey, we all have to hear the "this is how it really is" stuff sometimes right?

I would like to write more but I will be busier than a beaver wearing a black hat at a spammers convention trying to throw away some domains - Snoopy can interpret for you.


Top Contributor
I tried desperately to extract some educational value from such a remark however I had better luck getting blood from a stone.
I agree that in this thread Snoopy wasn't offering huge amounts of value your way. That said, I was more referring to previous threads.

Also I have found it is generally easy to work out who knows there stuff, but you will get better advice from them when you come across open minded and don't call those who are just stating the obvious a "pompous twat".

This may be hard for you to swallow as I gather Snoopy is somewhat revered by you
I know he knows more about domaining than I do. So I respect him for that, though I do tend to agree that he can be a bit blunt from time to time, though I think you will find he contributes valuable information and insights to conversations of substance.

That said, I think it's understandable that members of a forum would want to protect the integrity of the information on these forums. So it's worth considering that there are people on these forums that make full time livings from their online ventures and too much hyperbole from someone who is trying to start their online ventures can be distracting.

That said I'm all for helping, as I'm sure most members of these forums are, but as I have highlighted previously it's always easier to help someone who makes it easy to help them.

Also you don't need to sell the crap out of your domains on these forums. Nor should you list them for ridiculous prices and expect our comments to be positive.

Offer them for sale by all means, but everyone here is pretty savvy to the domaining game, so there is no need for say things like this:

the biggest PRIVATE SALE
good ones as you would expect with such a big number
Comments appreciated - orders even more appreciated

If you are looking to employ a greater fool theory, this isn't the forum to be selling it, because everyone here knows that game and they will call you out on it.


Top Contributor

Gotta love Google stats and Evelyn Woodhead - ave time on site from this forum 2:05 and average pages visited 2.9. Absolutely amazing how someone can read over 1000 domain names spread over 20 odd pages to be learned enough of the contents to make critical comment in just over 2 minutes - I must take one of those Evelyn Woodhead speed reading courses - when did you do yours Snoopy?


Top Contributor
stating the obvious ????????????????????????????????? are you his brother ? Read my previous post and then tell me that Snoopy, or anyone for that matter read the whole list - anyone have the balls to admit they didn't?


Shags, anyone would put their best domains up front, so if people don't like what they see on the front page, theres little chance they will go digging deep down into the pack.
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