Top Contributor
Never leave your admin username as admin. You are asking for trouble.
To the russian hacker who tried no less than 39 times to hack my sites yesterday
It seems wordpress firewall 2 and secure wordpress did their job
once more .......... GET STUFFED !
Restrict by IP address:
This is available in InfiniteWP too.
I really like the idea of being able to self-host InfiniteWP. A big plus.
Never leave your admin username as admin. You are asking for trouble.
I can't stress this enough for all the new users out there.
I have Wordfence set to automatically block users who use an invalid username to try login. But it's annoying the amount of times they try.
Dare you to turn on email notifications for each invalid login attempt...![]()
How do you reckon it stacks up again ManageWP? Or Worpit?
Like: ManageWP vs. InfiniteWP vs. Worpit.
be interested to hear opinions.
Don't use the admin role at all for posting, If its your site or client, set up an editor account. If that gets hacked into, because it is the one posting, their is not much they can do, except delete posts, which you would have a backup of. And never log into your site as admin on an open of free wifi hotspot. Even most private wifi routers broad cast some packets in plain text. When you log in via standard ftp the credentials can be intercepted. So hense have an editor role for content production.what else have i been doing in 2016 which has helped?
move login plugin, i saw instant results
change wp prefix,, very simpleeeeee
wordfence, free version, take the time to look at setup intrustions or watch a youtube on it, block "admin" but also block the letters " .com" , ""
sucuri, free version, its pretty gutless but does give you some warnings, the "hardening" page is the best part of it.
infinitewp is good, just make sure you have allocated enough space on your server to hold at least 3 packups.
don't let website owner use their name as admin login + use nickname field for posts " team, staff, owner, kanagroo"