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WordCamp Melbourne 2013


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We are thrilled to announce that WordCamp Melbourne has been confirmed for April 27-28th 2013 at RMIT, right in the heart of the beautiful city of Melbourne.

WordCamp is a conference for WordPress enthusiasts, designers, developers, or anyone who is using WordPress for business or pleasure. We will have a range of speakers covering a broad series of topics, showing the incredible variety of uses for WordPress, from content management, blogging to e-commerce, community building, and beyond.


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its very close now to wordcamp melbourne, chris and I will be there so it would be great to have a team of DNT's to connect with, we found cross referencing info when we went to SMX was really good.


on sunday one of the speakers is blaz robar, who has an interesting website

let me know if you intend going so we can all hook up



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WordCamp Melb

Yeah, I have been looking forward to this for quite a while now. After a full-on week it will be great to chill at WordCamp, and socialize! :)


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Yeah, I have been looking forward to this for quite a while now. After a full-on week it will be great to chill at WordCamp, and socialize! :)

"chill out" !!!! , i don't think that will be the case, its going to be a mind F of info, add to that the after party debates and conversations.

it will be great to see you there peter.



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wordcamp melbourne 2013
well here is my summary, as usual leave now if you don't want a novel but it was 2 FULL days so i can't put it into 2 sentences.
short version = great, would i go again = YES, was it amazing = kinda, highlight = just meeting people.
long version = dip out now or go grab a beer and sit back and relax.
The good thing was they had 2 streams of talks, newbies and oldbies, but sometimes you wanted to be in both, the fact that 1 talk was on the ground floor and the other on the 5th floor !!! and the lift was as slow as your grandparents climbing everest didn't help, luckily we had a few people from DNT there so we could seperate and then later cross reference key points/ideas, links etc
quality of speakers ranged from poor to brilliant, when pushed on certain topics relating to what they talked about many failed whilst others just nailed it and really inspired you.
the format for each talk was great, each speaker was kept to TIME and allowed for question time, it is one of the few conferences i've been to where the controllers have been in control and that made it very pleasant.
one BIG beef for me ( as i had the same the weekend before at another conference ) was i am going to a WEBSITE dev conference and THEIR website was not up to date !!!!!!!! the seminars listed online were different to the run sheet i got when i arrived ??????? i hate that and one of the first speakers talks was about "systems" !!! go figure.
the organises were brilliant but, one of the best i have been to, approachable and i don't think they have had any sleep in the last 5 days because of their dedication.
it was just $50, we got subway for lunch, they had a mobile coffee setup, they even had cold cans of soft drink. they then put on an after first day bar tab and we all got to mingle.
NOW, i'm not going to mention names out of respect to them but we meet some AMAZING people that are very influencial in internet space, and the others will back me up on this, some REAL movers and shackers in the industry..... not just in the seminars but cross table having a beer face to face and being able to ask questions 1 on 1, conversations were had that you just simply could not BUY, insites into the future of the internet........ it was just GOLD.
i feel confident in saying that come sunday afternoon when the dnt group sat down for a beer and discussed some things that we had over the weekend all were buzzing on new opportunities that had been presented to us.


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Hey Tim, great to see you at WordCamp, and @echo some of what you said about the speakers and also meeting people.

The talks were informative and yeah, catching up with people from other cities was great!

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