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What price dreams..?


Top Contributor
Is it significantly better than these?

drum.com.au $368
globalisation.com.au $100
faces.com.au $211
tone.com.au $112
metric.com.au $222
bachelor.com.au $102
liquid.com.au $400
hut.com.au $223
pumpkin.com.au $503
optician.com.au $118
tweets.com.au $196
negotiation.com.au $357

Where are those sales from? Seem very cheap to me?


Top Contributor
Nice aspirational word. Falls into the $5K plus category (where $5k is a filter for low offers).

FYI .com is owned by National A-1 Advertising.


Top Contributor
Since everyone else is having a go, I might as well too...

To another domainer I think it's worth no more than a thousand, but to the perfect enduser it could be worth anything. Just depends how long you want to hold out for.


Top Contributor
Hmmm silence.... wonder why?

Looks like they are all recent Netfleet sales David...;)

drum.com.au $368 2011-07-23 netfleet.com.au
globalisation.com.au $100 netfleet.com.au DMA
faces.com.au $100 netfleet.com.au DMA
tone.com.au $112 2011-07-22 netfleet.com.au
metric.com.au $222 2011-07-21 netfleet.com.au
bachelor.com.au $102 netfleet.com.au DMA
liquid.com.au $400 2011-07-12 netfleet.com.au
hut.com.au $223 2011-06-19 netfleet.com.au
pumpkin.com.au $503 2011-06-14 netfleet.com.au
optician.com.au $118 2011-07-31 netfleet.com.au
tweets.com.au $196 2011-05-21 netfleet.com.au
negotiation.com.au $357 2011-07-25 netfleet.com.au

(sourced from Namebio and Netfleet)



Top Contributor
Thanks Andrew ;) !

My point is, why would anyone trawl back through 2,000 odd sales to cherry pick.... err sorry... select 12 domains to help put a value to dreams.com.au? They don't even seem in anyway related to the domain so I can't see how it's helpful to an appraisal?

In fact, if they aren't just a random sample it's actually deliberately unhelpful.

Anyway certainly shows there are bargains to be had at Netfleet - they seem bloody cheap to me!


Top Contributor
Thanks Andrew ;) !

My point is, why would anyone trawl back through 2,000 odd sales to cherry pick.... err sorry... select 12 domains to help put a value to dreams.com.au? They don't even seem in anyway related to the domain so I can't see how it's helpful to an appraisal?

In fact, if they aren't just a random sample it's actually deliberately unhelpful.

Anyway certainly shows there are bargains to be had at Netfleet - they seem bloody cheap to me!

I picked recent sales in namebio that were a similar price and similar type of name (more brand than keyword).

The fact is similar names are selling for a few hundred dollars. Whatever data I present you'd have some argument about why it shouldn't apply, if this name actually sold for $300 you'd probably still argue that it wasn't worth that.
Last edited:


Top Contributor
Snoopy these sales are anything but typical - everyone here knows that.

Let's take some examples without spending hours sifting through thousands of sales to find a dozen that suit your purpose.

How about the last 20 .au domains sold from namebio - this includes the good, bad and ugly:

easywebsitebuilder.com.au $150 23/08/2011
expertseo.com.au $245 23/08/2011
petstuff.com.au $187 23/08/2011
hotproperty.com.au $1,012 23/08/2011
financeforum.com.au $110 23/08/2011
dox.com.au $1,500 23/08/2011
betting-online.com.au $351 22/08/2011
melbourneshopping.com.au $289 22/08/2011
chinadirect.com.au $325 21/08/2011
vitaminsupplements.com.au $416 21/08/2011
financeblog.com.au $102 20/08/2011
buildersperth.com.au $196 20/08/2011
dinnerrecipes.com.au $159 19/08/2011
naturaltreatment.com.au $151 19/08/2011
connectors.com.au $112 19/08/2011
supertrader.com.au $2,000 19/08/2011
zerocarbon.com.au $2,750 18/08/2011
rejuvenate.com.au $223 18/08/2011
realestatetrends.com.au $112 18/08/2011
emailtemplate.com.au $101 18/08/2011

Puts it in a different light when you don't cherrypick doesn't it? Still think dreams.com.au is worth $300? LOL


Snoopy these sales are anything but typical - everyone here knows that.

Let's take some examples without spending hours sifting through thousands of sales to find a dozen that suit your purpose.

How about the last 20 .au domains sold from namebio - this includes the good, bad and ugly:

easywebsitebuilder.com.au $150 23/08/2011
expertseo.com.au $245 23/08/2011
petstuff.com.au $187 23/08/2011
hotproperty.com.au $1,012 23/08/2011
financeforum.com.au $110 23/08/2011
dox.com.au $1,500 23/08/2011
betting-online.com.au $351 22/08/2011
melbourneshopping.com.au $289 22/08/2011
chinadirect.com.au $325 21/08/2011
vitaminsupplements.com.au $416 21/08/2011
financeblog.com.au $102 20/08/2011
buildersperth.com.au $196 20/08/2011
dinnerrecipes.com.au $159 19/08/2011
naturaltreatment.com.au $151 19/08/2011
connectors.com.au $112 19/08/2011
supertrader.com.au $2,000 19/08/2011
zerocarbon.com.au $2,750 18/08/2011
rejuvenate.com.au $223 18/08/2011
realestatetrends.com.au $112 18/08/2011
emailtemplate.com.au $101 18/08/2011

Puts it in a different light when you don't cherrypick doesn't it? Still think dreams.com.au is worth $300? LOL

Snoopy is right in that his domains were not keyword based they were somewhat brandable single word domains like he believes "dreams.com.au" to be.

Yours certainly are not.

In fact I don't really know what your list is? A selection of random domains sold in the month of August.


But it doesn't put anything in a different light as you say.

The names are irrelevant to dreams.com.au.

Not that I think Snoopy's were very close - but I see what he was trying to do. He wasn't cherrypicking to be deceiving to back up his personal view - he was trying to provide evidence of his thought process and current market values.

But I still think it is worth far more than $300.


Top Contributor
... He wasn't cherrypicking to be deceiving to back up his personal view - he was trying to provide evidence of his thought process and current market values....

You really think so? To me those sales he posted look like particularly cheap examples from the last few months - they really do. So much so that I had to look twice at some of the prices. Maybe it is just me....

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