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Week one update


Top Contributor
Well, we've had the keys for one week, and we're loving it! :)

We are very grateful to Soj, David and Paz for all the groundwork they did over the past few years. They have given us a
great platform from which to expand. Thanks again guys. (Soj now has honorary title of "Founder"). :)

As you can probably tell, we've put a lot of energy into revving things up a bit, and we hope you like the new look DN Trade!

And things are only going to get better still.

At the end of week one we have:

  • Introduced a whole lot of new thread topics
  • Had a big increase in the number of posts
  • Attracted some quality new members :)
  • Welcomed Netfleet as a new sponsor with their own thread
We would welcome your feedback please. Good or bad; brickbats or bouquets!


Top Contributor
Well done guys! I do like the fact that this is a large community, without being too large. IE: No Trolls! :D

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