Are any DNT members apart from the candidates themselves, attending the elections and willing to be my proxy for voting?
If so, please let me know, I and anyone else looking for a proxy and unable to attend the elections will greatly appreciate it.
Another option is that you can also give your proxy to the auDA Chair. If you plan to do this, then make sure you fill out the complete form (including who you wish to vote for) so your instructions are clear.
Another option is that you can also give your proxy to the auDA Chair.
If you submit a proxy, it has your name on it, and I think that in itself has implications in the way some votes go.
What do you mean by this Brett?
I'd strongly recommend against doing this, as it has the effect of giving your vote to auDA to do whatever they like with it.
Its a shame some keep threatening legal action on this forum for peoples comments which come no where close to any breach of any law..Thats not a very good way to have an open dscussion or debate among candidates
Lets hope forum members dont feel legally "threatened" by anyone and continue to post their questions and advice
Simon's post did not seem to infer or suggest that the auDA Chair would alter the fully completed proxy form of an auDA member... saying it did is simply wrong!
Then "threatening" him with this comment is way out of line .... "Consult your lawyer again before responding to avoid embarrassment" did you really need to post it Josh it seems to be you misunderstood his post maybe?