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Thanks people. Ended up being a fun experience.

Just noticed that virtualbevvy.com is available :)


Top Contributor
Nice sale, can understand their been a market with eBay lifting the fees like crazy. Domain is brand-able.


Top Contributor
Interesting to see who bought it - perhaps in their private capacity though? Check the WhoIs.

Wonder who the underbidder was? That would be even more interesting. :)

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
Congrats! Note to self - Dont take appraisal advice from Snoopy or spacey ;)

Great for seller (whom i suggested to that the appraisals was not good for domains about to be on auction) i do stand by that, just allows for distractions. The one thing about domaining is there will always be something that surprises. Again great for the seller !


Interesting to see who bought it - perhaps in their private capacity though? Check the WhoIs.

Wonder who the underbidder was? That would be even more interesting. :)

Here is what I know:

1. The guy who made the initial offer to buy it claims that he bid on it but was neither the winner nor the underseller.

2. I, and none of my associates, nor anyone that I know (as far as I know), placed a bid on it.

3. Payment has apparently been made to netfleet so its not a bogus sale.


Top Contributor
Here is what I know:

1. The guy who made the initial offer to buy it claims that he bid on it but was neither the winner nor the underseller.

2. I, and none of my associates, nor anyone that I know (as far as I know), placed a bid on it.

3. Payment has apparently been made to netfleet so its not a bogus sale.

Whoa there gort!

Read my post again - I'm not suggesting anything untoward happened. Of course we all know the sale went through - the WhoIs wouldn't have changed otherwise.

Most of us know the buyer - I would just be interested to know who else out there would be vying for such a domain. (They would become the target for some enduser emails!). :D


Top Contributor
wow, didnt think this name had that value. Goes to show the increasing value of generic .com.au domain names

lots of decent offers also on netfleet happening at the moment


Top Contributor
Congratulations on the sale! Will be most interested to see the future development of used.com.au


Regular Member
Nice work Gort!

This is why in 15 years of buying and selling domain names I never listen to other peoples opinions of what a domain is worth. You have to let your gut & the marketplace determine that!

I have sold so many names over the years for 10x what the forum experts have said I would get for them, so I don't bother asking anymore. I have a few close colleagues that I will speak with for their input, but thats it.

Like anything that is internet based, beware of the source!!!

Congrats on the result.




Top Contributor
Nice work Gort!

This is why in 15 years of buying and selling domain names I never listen to other peoples opinions of what a domain is worth. You have to let your gut & the marketplace determine that!

I have sold so many names over the years for 10x what the forum experts have said I would get for them, so I don't bother asking anymore. I have a few close colleagues that I will speak with for their input, but thats it.

Like anything that is internet based, beware of the source!!!

Congrats on the result.



Totally agree

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