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Top Contributor
Looks like it sold for $246.

So 30 out of 31 guesses were too high...?

We see this regularly, especially any kind of auction scenario, the majority of estimates are way too high.

Roll out the explanation/broken record about it being "a bargain".....


Top Contributor
Just got into Melbourne and saw the result. It's disappointing, but that's life.

I did email six endusers earlier this week, and sent them a reminder earlier today.

This has confrmed my view point on .net.au domains - I was once a fan (provided the .com.au had already been taken); but I am no longer.

Congrats Jono - please let me know your PayPal address. :)

And thank you everyone for participating with your estimates.


Top Contributor
Ah well bit disappointing.

Couple of years ago net.au's seemed to be doing very well. Lots of 2 or 3 year old hand regs selling for mid $xxx on the aftermarket and some really strong prices on the drops. However it feels like they haven't kept pace with com.au growth

Anyway big test for premium net.au tomorrow!


Top Contributor
Couple of years ago net.au's seemed to be doing very well. Lots of 2 or 3 year old hand regs selling for mid $xxx on the aftermarket and some really strong prices on the drops. However it feels like they haven't kept pace with com.au growth

jh.com.au only sold for just over $500 today - I reckon that was pretty low. It seems to me there is generally a lull in prices across some .com.au not just .net.au domains at the moment.

With the after market auctions and dropping domains now for sale at the same time there is instantly more supply with probably not much more demand. Also, the EMD Google update that recently occurred might have scared off a few buyers.


Regular Member
thanks guys - i hope you're right! :)

let's have a bit of fun with this as well.

i'm offering up a prize of $25 (paypal) for whoever gets closest. (that will buy a nice bottle of wine).

So far, i have smee @ $1150.

What's your figure?

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