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TM , pushing limits?


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i have a nice little descriptive 2 generic word domain name ( town-service ) that gets good type in traffic as it doesn't rank as its a blank page right now because i don't want to be noticed because of ( could be confused with....) trademarks.

i struggle to find a similar example., so lets say i own " sydney opera house " but the sydney opera house has ALWAYS been called " Bennelong Point " and has been heavily branded for 40 years to be a strong brand like " duracell is a battery, hoover the carpet, CHUX is a cleaning cloth etc "

beenalong point is trademarked heavily in many different including "bennelong point OPERA SYDNEY".

i do believe if i build a site people could consider mine to be the OFFICIAL site.

so my question, dump it ?

put a good disclaimer on it which might admit "passing off" ?


my plan is not to promote opera but accommodation locations for people attending the opera, i'd also do a banner link to the official site at no cost.

they own their own accommodation but only 20 rooms and would have @ 1000 visitors per day so there is a need for more alternatives.

my thinking also is if i have a navigation link "opera info" which redicts to their homepage that would help also.


my thinking is @ $1000 to dev the site to start, annual return @ $3000 + with @ $ $400 costs, so i nice small lazy money earner.


any risk? worth the risk?



Top Contributor
I think they'll take notice if it starts to affect them commercially, or has the potential to (which it sounds like it will).


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accommodation: i think they have a 100% occupancy rate +++++ a waiting list.
i know someone who works for them but have remained under the radar for now

i have a nice little descriptive 2 generic word domain name ( town-service ) that gets good type in traffic as it doesn't rank as its a blank page right now because i don't want to be noticed because of ( could be confused with....) trademarks.

i struggle to find a similar example., so lets say i own " sydney opera house " but the sydney opera house has ALWAYS been called " Bennelong Point " and has been heavily branded for 40 years to be a strong brand like " duracell is a battery, hoover the carpet, CHUX is a cleaning cloth etc "

beenalong point is trademarked heavily in many different including "bennelong point OPERA SYDNEY".

i do believe if i build a site people could consider mine to be the OFFICIAL site.

so my question, dump it ?

put a good disclaimer on it which might admit "passing off" ?


my plan is not to promote opera but accommodation locations for people attending the opera, i'd also do a banner link to the official site at no cost.

they own their own accommodation but only 20 rooms and would have @ 1000 visitors per day so there is a need for more alternatives.

my thinking also is if i have a navigation link "opera info" which redicts to their homepage that would help also.


my thinking is @ $1000 to dev the site to start, annual return @ $3000 + with @ $ $400 costs, so i nice small lazy money earner.


any risk? worth the risk?

Tim PM me the precise details


Top Contributor
i went xmas shopping today and worked out an analogy to my domain

available hand reg, no trademark


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