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TLD's that finish keywords - thoughts?


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Aree Bah Aree Bah! www.gonzal.es

They may be worth nout, but I think they're pretty sweet looking.
Yeah they do look sweet
My favourite is www.Ma.tt
Matt is the founder of WordPress
I just hate to see people wasting money speculating on them, when they could just as easily buy my names LOL


Top Contributor
Yeah they do look sweet
My favourite is www.Ma.tt
Matt is the founder of WordPress
I just hate to see people wasting money speculating on them, when they could just as easily buy my names LOL

Yeah mate, that domain looks awesome and I've seen it mentioned a few times in forum discussions on the same subject so it does add a little weight that sooner or later with enough recognition they can work ... maybe not so much for search traffic.

I hear what you are saying about wishing people bought yours, but I'm sure everyone here has been sucked in at least once by that magic word ...


You're almost obligated then and there to snap it up. :)
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Top Contributor
OK let me reveal my master plan involving hacked domains from a few years ago. I still think it could work but I'm not game to attempt with so much else on.

You know when commercial property comes on the market for sale or lease. RE agents tend to put up huge signboards saying for more information call or visit the online listing at www.REagentssite.com.au/propertyID=3256734

As domainers we know that domain sucks.

Some agents have gone one batter and have registered a domain for each specific building. eg visit 100GeorgeStreet.com for more info

However there is a TLD that can help you own a whole STREET!

the Sao Tome registry - .st

The idea is to register

Pitt.st, George.st, Flinders.st etc

Then you lease subdomains to RE agents.

One agent might be trying to market 120 Bridge St using the URL www.REagentssite.com.au/propertyID=3256734.

The value of the real estate is could well be into the 100's of millions. So how hard would it be to convince him/her to spend $100/month to lease 120.Bridge.St

Using subdomains, you could potentially lease each domain out many times.

If someone makes a million using my idea, you owe me lunch. :)



7 years ago someone thought .st was a good idea
He was wrong
Probably because estate agents are arseholes

I agree! Man I hate real estate agents...

That thread might be a little outdated though considering it's from 2003?

I spoke to a guy yesterday, who told me at a conference he was at recently someone said good would be reading hack domains as keywords... I find it hard to believe - I also can't find any evidence to back up his claim haha

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