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Tim Resigns


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Some background:

[DNS] Restricting demand membership of auDA - au Australian DNS ...

  • "Presumably this is a measure to try and guard against the possibility of unfairly unbalancing auDA's board by stacking it full of supply-side representatives"
"auDA has given notice of an Extraordinary Meeting on August 13 to
consider constitutional amendments to forbid a "supply related person"
from being elected a director of demand class; and preventing multiple
divisions within the same corporate group from having multiple

Presumably this is a measure to try and guard against the possibility
of unfairly unbalancing auDA's board by stacking it full of supply-side
..... Perhaps we need to reconsider different models of demand membership
of auDA if the risk of capture is that great. I don't know what the
current update of demand membership is like, but it might benefit from
some elements of the new CIRA model (see
http://www.cira.ca/en/membership/about.html) where any domain holder
can have free annual enrollment as a member.


"9. Constitutional Review

The board discussed a paper drafted by CN outlining possible changes to the auDA Constitution to address three issues:
1. potential supply side capture of demand class
2. supply related person standing as a demand class director
3. related entities holding multiple supply class memberships.

The board affirmed the need to ensure that the Constitution is effective and achieves auDA’s objectives. The board also noted the importance of achieving a fair and reasonable balance between supply and demand, obesrving that there will always be a tendency for demand class to be under-represented.

The board agreed changes to address issues 2 and 3 above, as proposed in paras 4.2, 4.4 and 4.5 of the board paper. It was decided that the change proposed in para 4.3 of the board paper to address issue 1 may not be effective, and further consideration should be given to options for increasing demand class membership and making it more representative.

Motion (proposed JR, seconded Julie H): That the proposed new definition of ‘Supply Related Person’ and proposed amendments to clauses 9.4 and 18.3 be put to members at an EGM. Carried unanimously.

Action: The board to set up a sub-committee to consider demand class membership issues."​
Westlake Consulting Limited's Report - auDA

  • "panel membership sometimes appeared to be “stacked
  • "There was also some comment about the lack of detail in the published board minutes, making it impossible to understand the extent of board discussions and why it may have arrived at certain conclusions. "
  • "We noted that membership of auDA comprises only about 0.01% of registrants, in contrast to its Canadian equivalent, with a membership of about 1.0% of registrants. "
annexure – explanatory memorandum to and forming part of ... - auDA

  • "provisions, to make it more difficult for membership and board stacking to occur."
  • "When auDA was first established, the representative association class of membership was created to provide a balance between the supply and demand class members, and to reduce the possibility of membership and board stacking practices. "
Review of the .au Domain Administration - Department of ...

  • "auDA has a monopoly position in administering the .au namespace and should be subject to ...... There were claims the Constitution allowed for 'board stacking' "
Jim Stewart - @jimboot Twitter Profile | Twipu

ThinkPlace auDA Membership Options Review Conversation Tracker ...

  • "Jul 5, 2018 - auDA Membership Options Review Workshop | Conversation Tracker. Introduction. 2 .... Supply Members, as well as non-members including small business ..... Stacking or risk to Australian Critical Infrastructure."


  • "The small number of supply class members also makes it susceptible to branch stacking issues."
What Did The auDA CEO Say? - Domainer

  • Apr 28, 2017 - Given recent happenings with regards auDA and AusRegistry (and ... supply membership stacking of the demand auDA membership now also
20 June 2016 Board Meeting Minutes » auDA

  • Jun 20, 2016 - Joe Manariti (Supply Class Director) (email 9 June 2016) .... agreed that issues regarding the potential for membership stacking and capture"

Board Minutes - 13 October 2003 » auDA

  • "Oct 2, 2013 - Mort Bay Communications Pty Ltd (supply) ... have been other attempts in the past to stack the membership of auDA prior to a board election"
  • " Action: Maddocks to recommend possible amendments to the Constitution that would help to prevent membership stacking in future, with any amendments to be put to members at the AGM. "

domain names | Josh Rowe

  • “the issue of Board stacking is of particular concern. ..... In other words, domain sellers “Supply” out vote domain buyers"
au Domain Administration Limited ABN 38 079 009 ... - Right To Know

  • "Dec 12, 2016 - interest information supplied by auDA Directors be included in the minutes of .... membership stacking and capture are a matter for the Risk...."
Board Minutes - 6 September 1999
  • "4.4 Ethical issues
    There were discussions of member and voting balance issues. It was suggested some options to reduce the possibility of vote stacking is for the ACCC to formulate regulations as part of its license to ensure no stacking, or have .au delegated to the ACA which is then subdelegated to auDA."
Scott Long (@auDomainName) | Twitter

  • "auDA is composed of Supply and Demand Class Members and Directors, each .... because the temptation to control auDA through stacking overcame them all."

auDA's share of .au domain name fees raises eyebrows
Government Report

  • "Potential for board stacking
    • "There were claims the Constitution allowed for ‘board stacking’ and was potentially open to abuse given there is no restriction under the Constitution to prevent members to move from one class to another."
    • "Roles and responsibilities of the Board, Chair and management
    • The Review considers that clear guidance on the role of the Board and executive management team supports effective governance. However, there is limited information on the roles and responsibilities of the Board and management. For example, while auDA’s Constitution does outline the structure of auDA’s Board, it makes no mention of the respective roles of the Board, Chair or CEO."
    • "Clarity on the roles and responsibilities of the Board, both individually and collectively, is important as it sets expectations for the directors and also provides clarity around the internal governance of the company."
    • "in terms of transparency of internal governance, the Review also finds that there were no public documents outlining the role of the CEO. It was unclear as to the limitations of the CEO and how the position functioned alongside the Board. While the role and responsibilities of the CEO should be clarified, the Review also considers that the functions of this position should be reviewed, including the standards by which the CEO’s performance is assessed.
    • ... The Charter should also describe the basis for appointment of the Chair position.
    • The Review considers that a Board Charter should be established to articulate the roles of the Board, the Chair and the CEO. In terms of transparency and accountability, the Review further considers that auDA should report annually and publicly to its stakeholders on the Board’s performance against the requirements of this charter. This would enable the Board to also assess the effectiveness of its Board Charter annually."
    • "Submissions highlighted that transparency and consultation are areas on which auDA should improve.[1] Some submissions and stakeholders noted that auDA had not effectively consulted its stakeholders on significant projects, such as the Registry Transformation Project and Direct Registration. While these projects are outside the scope of this Review, the concerns raised in submissions underscore the importance of effective consultation."
    • "The issue of Board stacking is of particular concern. This would suggest a manipulation of process to place directors on the Board to act in the interest of a particular membership faction."
    • "Stakeholders consistently stated that additional assurances are required to prevent the stacking of the Board and to ensure Board members are suitably qualified and sufficiently representative of the industry and its stakeholders."

    "That auDA establish a Board Charter:
    a. to set out the respective roles and responsibilities of the Board, Chair and CEO
    b. to set out the basis for appointment of the Chair
    c. that requires the Board to report on an annual basis to stakeholders publicly on its performance against this charter."
https://twitter.com/jimboot/status/1019748137022369792 ://twitter.com/jimboot/status/1019748137022369792



Top Contributor
thanks everyone, i really appreciate it + the people who have phoned, emailed and text me.
for the record helena added the fullstops :)
but this is not going to be tomorrows "fish n chip" wrapper , there are real concerns here and i will not be disappearing into the never never.



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DomainNames: Do you really need to copy & paste these walls of text in every thread? Your info is good, but if you want people to actually read it, keep it concise and don't post it everywhere. No offense intended.
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DomainNames: Do you really need to copy & paste these walls of text in every thread? Your info is good, but if you want people to actually read it, keep it concise and don't post it everywhere. No offense intended.

thanks for the feedback @ttfan. @DomainNames can you please try and keep discussions concise and use the quoting feature of the forum software whenever referencing external or copied content as I have done on this post. I will help you with this if you need a hand.


Top Contributor
thanks for the feedback @ttfan. @DomainNames can you please try and keep discussions concise and use the quoting feature of the forum software whenever referencing external or copied content as I have done on this post. I will help you with this if you need a hand.

Hi the paste function means non dntrade members cannot read it and it displays poorly on mobile devices and tablets for people with eyesight issues. A lot of media, Government and stakeholders had requested it was cut and pasted in so they could read it also without joining up... as much as I suggested they join dntrade they would prefer not to for some reason ( perhaps Government limitations for some) .

Less people read it when it is in the quoted box format.

I know some people who do not want this information out there want it in the box paste format to limit people reading it.

I know it is long but dntrade is one of the few places where the real facts, documents, minutes etc can be posted.

We know auDA is reading it all and they do not like Whistleblowers speaking up or easy access to information to cannot control themselves or via their paid PR Spin Doctors. https://www.righttoknow.org.au/request/au_domain_administration_ltd_boa

Without this information being tabled and made available newbies and many people do not see the full picture and history... they can be misled by the paid auDA PR spin we have seen running rampant over the last 18 months which is aimed to discredit Whistleblowers. https://www.dntrade.com.au/threads/...spin-doctor-ian-hanke-why-for-how-much.11925/
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how about you start your own thread, post into that and then link to the post number, this way you get the google juice but don't chew up the other threads?
perhaps a SHORT intro to entice someone to click the link?
people i talk to simply see your name and scroll quickly past, so its actually not getting read.

trying to be constructive here.



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auDA today admits 2 auDA Supply Class Director should not be Directors..Does this mean they should also not be Directors of The Trustee For Auda Foundation ?

People are starting to wake up to the auDA PR spin as being B.S. and the obvious Supply stacking of memberships and Board roles...

Legal Name
The Trustee For Auda Foundation
Other Name(s)
Charity ABN 57462140688
Charity Address for Service accounts@auda.org.au
Charity Street Address Level 17 1 Collins Street Melbourne VIC 3000 AUSTRALIA

Connect the dots..
57462140688 The Trustee For Auda Foundation Melbourne VIC 3000 Registered

  1. Gregory Watson
  2. Blair Cameron Boardman
  3. Joseph Manariti


  • ACNCCharityRegisterSummary(6).pdf
    289.6 KB · Views: 0


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people i talk to simply see your name and scroll quickly past, so its actually not getting read.

trying to be constructive here.


Totally agree. When I know it’s going to take 20 mins to read I have better things to do with my time.

Back on topic. Thanks for your efforts Tim.


Top Contributor
Tim, Great letter again. I've re read it and its one of your best efforts.

Info here is not being posted for regulars, It is being posted for newbies, Government, media, google, non members who cant login and read quotes, others who do not know the history and who need to know the context of who Tim is, why it matters what Tim did or why Tim's Resignation letter has any meaning or is of interest to them.

It appears certain parties have already gone to media to discredit Tim and belittle the importance of his Resignation and letter.
Regular dntrade old timers are not the only people reading... and if you know it all simply scroll past it or ignore is no problem.

If you knew it all why didn't you do something and why are you not speaking up...Your auDA membership votes are useless at SGM's and AGM's now, auDA will not listen to you if you haven't realised that already. They could care less that Tim as an real elected Demand Class Director resigned.

auDA loves reading this daily. Hi ! Is it to let them know we have far more facts and we will make sure to hold them accountable and transparent... and we will be posting online . They have not gotten away with any of the issues Tim raised in his letter and Scott raised in his letter or the Government raised in their report.....

I know auDA and their Paid PR people are reading this thread and just a Congratulations Tim for resigning and his letter achieves little but a pat on the back for another now lost Demand Class Board Director position .
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