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it would be nice to have free COR, but the registry is not set up that way, it would require some significant changes at both the Registry and with Registrars. In .com world whenever you transfer domains between registrars you are forced to renew the domain for another year, while we have free inter registrar transfers. It's only really an issue if you buy a lot of after market domains.
I think the changes from 1 to 5 year registrations will resolve some of your concerns.
I agree that it is a good idea for auDA to regularly review policy and ensure that it is fit for purpose - I personally think there are some policies which have outlived their intended purpose. The CEO has already announced that auDA will be engaging in some policy review, that would be a good opportunity for you to raise some of your ideas. You and I both agree on giving auDRP Panels the power to award costs in cases of RDNH, that is one change I would personally like to see.
Actually Erhan you wlll find it is FREE for .com and many other extensions.
Akthough it will require a " policy change" It can be done in Australia with a policy change but like so many things auDA, the auDA board and registrars have done nothing to assess how to do it, they have not done any survey's of existing registrants.
Come on let's see some innovation, transparency and action on this. No more excuses. It is a blatent Rip off in Australia and of course many at auDA, in Supply and on the auDA Board may not want to change it as they want the extra revenues.
With the new 1 - 5 year registration domain name period this is a crucial policy change that is needed now in advance. If you prepaid for 1 or even 5 years who should there be more fees or loss of what has been paid for already?
This has been raised for many years. What has auDA, the auDA board done so far to survey existing registrants and members?
We all expect a no free COR vote from those who make money from it. That's obvious but that is not globally competitive or innovative... which many in supply, Ausregistry and auDA claim they want to be.
This is an issue for every person who is buying a name on the aftermarket or on the drop systems such as, etc.
If people buy a name now and sell it in 6 months the 1/12 years of paiud registration is flushed down the toilet. Icann, ausregistry, auDA and a registrar or reseller just make money again... This is not in the interest's of the domain name registrant at all.
The old auDA CEO told me many years ago it would be impossible for policy to change to allow names to be sold or more than 1 name per entity... he was wrong and just like this COR policy set up incorrectly in the early days of Australia it needs immediate changing now also.
You are on the auDA board please do all you can to make this happen. No registrant will complain with the change and it is not how many domain names that are involved 1 or 20,000 it is a rip off.
Adding an extra year with another year fee is very different to flushing the money down the toilet and having to pay again for time already in credit with the existing registration.
.com is not the only extension that allows this many global extensions and countries do FREE COR.
Maybe when the new tender comes out for Australian domain name management and wholesale registry this is mandatory.... if auDA, Ausregistry do not want to agree then they can not bid for the next tender.