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Sydney Domainers Meetup

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Hi All

George Pongas has kindly arranged for AusRegistry to split the bill with Netfleet, and co-sponsor tonights festivities.

Thanks George/AusRegistry! Phew...



Top Contributor

Just called them Paul and despite the website saying they open from 12pm-4am, they actually only open at 4pm.

Sorry about that - plenty of spots close by I'm sure.


Top Contributor
Thanks Netfleet and AusRegistry for organising / sponsoring the get together. Much appreciated.

Next time though could you sort the weather out please!

It was really great to meet so many people face to face at last. :)

Cheers, Ned


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thanks to all the sponsors, it was a GREAT night, i actually made it home this time LOL, chris b and i won the "last man standing award " but there could be a photo finish once we hear from johno69 ?

WOW, what a great bunch of people came last night, i seriously could spend a whole weekend in that room, such a diverse group with their own niches and succesful at them, just goes to show there is room for everyone so just SHARE as much as you can.

Chris has got some great ideas for the future of DNT which i'll leave to him of course but its very exciting.

GREAT to see ned again, i don't he will ever retire !

So i have been to all 3, so we should start planning next years as well all know "no date is ever suitable to some"

I liked the way sydney was organised in that there was a pole for the date, i think that worked well.

anyway, thanks all , i had a great time

now to hop on a plane that will probably roll sideways down the runway !!!!!!



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It was great to catch up face-to-face, definitely look forward to the next one!

+1 a great night was had by all!

Thanks again to the Netfleet boys and also George and Ausregistry.

It was great to catch up with everyone. Great networking night! Lets do it again soon


Regular Member
Wow, what an awesome evening! Great turn out, and a bunch of fantastic people! Though domaining was the common theme, it was interesting to learn about the different business/ monetisation models that was floating around, and the number of switched on people we have in the forum!
Look forward to hearing more success stories from you guys soon :)
And also, big thanks to Mark and George for the drink and nibbles!


Regular Member
Wow, what an awesome evening! Great turn out, and a bunch of fantastic people! Though domaining was the common theme, it was interesting to learn about the different business/ monetisation models that was floating around, and the number of switched on people we have in the forum!
Look forward to hearing more success stories from you guys soon :)
And also, big thanks to Mark and George for the drink and nibbles!

+1 to all of the above. I thought it was a great night and it was my pleasure to talk to so many fantastic people. I look forward to the next one.

Thanks also to Mark and George for sponsoring the night!


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Thanks to all who managed to come along, especially those travelling interstate, and those on the somewhat precarious flights! Was a great night

PS - It's actually blue skies in Sydney today...


Top Contributor
Thanks to Mark and George for the great night, and not to mention all the great and interesting people there. Some familiar faces, and some less familiar ones. All in all, was a great event. A shame about the weather though :)


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erhan was this your plane landing? lol


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