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Standard Catalogue Email Prompt Suggestion


Top Contributor
We should be able to change the code easily enough for this
Great to hear.

PS - With the other posts, we do take your comments on board and they are great suggestions. Just takes a bit of time to work through our dev items and to get an answer for you
Totally understand.

And as always I'm just throwing out suggestions of things that I think that will help - I don't "expect" them to be implemented or anything.

I just know that in the projects I work on often another set of eyes offering critique help me sometimes find additional opportunities.

At the same time I completely understand that at times other people's suggestions whilst well intentioned are either not economically viable because they don't understand the cost of implementation or they are in conflict with other business objectives that they aren't aware of or accounting for...

... and I completely understand if I'm in that second camp.



Regular Member
I would be a happy advocate of offers only lasting 48 or 72 hours.

I second the above. Would be nifty if sellers could have an option to select how long their counter is valid for:
24 hours
48 hours
72 hours
7 days
Last edited:


Top Contributor
Would be nifty if sellers could have an option to select how long their counter is valid for:
24 hours
48 hours
72 hours
7 days
Actually what I was just thinking today is it might be nice if the typical timeframe for an offer was briefer, but allowing buyers and sellers to be able to "extend" an offer if they choose after the initial time period expires.

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