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suggest you turn off the Google ads until you publish a Privacy Policy or you could experience a life time ban :(



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Have now pretty much finished what content will be added for each location. You can see it here for Falls Creek. Any suggestions for other info to include. The issue is that there isn't a lot of content there and in terms of monetisation none of can necessarily be monetised, unless I were to organise individual deals with accommodation locations


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Getting there young fella! :)

One thing I noticed straight away was you need to spell "accommodation" properly! (In your Tab's).

Have you joined up with Commission Monster / Clix Galore etc? They have some relevant affiliate ads which would work.


Top Contributor
I've looked at Commision monster and Clix Galore. This is the issue I have:

There's flight centre and expedia that are good in terms of flights etc (expedia does accommodation and car rentals as well) but do many people fly/hire cars to go to Falls Creek, Thredbo etc. I mean, there's no nearby air ports. Hire cars is a bit more likely that they'd need. Accommodation is definitely a big one but expedia (only accommodation one I found so far) has like 3 or 4 places for Falls Creek. That is definitely not enough. I may set up the links for expedia for those specific locations I guess.

How would you suggest setting out a travel section?


Top Contributor
I've looked at Commision monster and Clix Galore. This is the issue I have:

There's flight centre and expedia that are good in terms of flights etc (expedia does accommodation and car rentals as well) but do many people fly/hire cars to go to Falls Creek, Thredbo etc. I mean, there's no nearby air ports. Hire cars is a bit more likely that they'd need. Accommodation is definitely a big one but expedia (only accommodation one I found so far) has like 3 or 4 places for Falls Creek. That is definitely not enough. I may set up the links for expedia for those specific locations I guess.

How would you suggest setting out a travel section?

I've just had a look and here are a few suggestions for affiliates:

Click 4 Snow (Clixgalore)

Roamfree - accommodation etc - can even put a booking widget on your site

Cheaperthanhotels - Clixgalore

Various companies offer travel insurance - eg. Downunder Insurance

Hire car companies

NZ Adventure Tours

There really are heaps - don't restrict yourself to just Australia - lot's of people look for skiing opportunities all over the world!


Cheers, Ned


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Thanks Ned, I'm gonna have a look through all those later tonight :) I was considering travel insurance but forgot to mention it before


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I can't seem to find the booking widget for roam free... unless I'm totally missing it

Have you applied and been accepted yet Sparky? You need to do this first, and then you get all these things.

I'll send you an email.


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Began going through and signing up for some affiliates today (with the specific company). One was auto approved so I tried it out. The question I have, can you use the link from these for other links? Eg. Not use the image they provide but use the affiliate links with a different image or text. Oh and this is with clixgalore


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Sorry for the lack of an update for a while, been very busy with the HSC.

I just spent about 1-2 hours setting up a database to store the info for each accommodation site. You will see the info here on the right sidebar for the location. In the future I will be able to pull information from that sidebar and using that information will create an application to find accommodation in the correct location. This stops me from doubling up etc in terms of having to do stuff twice. I may also set up a form for people to submit their info.

The other thing I did today was sent an email to all of the accommodation places at Falls Creek to get their info as well as some photos.

The next thing I aim to do is further integrate affiliates. To do this I am awaiting a reply from cligalore re my question above. (Please answer this if you know the answer) :p


Top Contributor
Began going through and signing up for some affiliates today (with the specific company). One was auto approved so I tried it out. The question I have, can you use the link from these for other links? Eg. Not use the image they provide but use the affiliate links with a different image or text. Oh and this is with clixgalore

I do this all the time.. banners generally don't convert well so I always make my own buttons etc.

Unless you are making some dubious banners, I don't see anything wrong with it. The way I see it, they provide those links for lazy affiliates. I've never had any complaints and I find most do have "use your own text" type links.
Last edited:


Top Contributor
Do you mean at the bottom? It's working fine for me

yeah mate down the bottom.



Top Contributor
That's weird. Working fine on my end. I'll have a look through the code and find the issue. What browser are you using?

Just got a reply from clixgalore and they said it's fine

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