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Sir Tim Berners-Lee in Australia


Top Contributor
WOW, 11.51pm thurs/3rd jan i just booked in, yippee, then the next day "linked data hack fest" seminar i got 2 tickets and at this moment that leaves only 7 left, the afternoon season which i also got has only 28 tickets left.

thanks chris fro letting us know.

tim in byron bay enjoying, beer, prawns, sunshine, surf, family


Top Contributor
Yes, I got a ticket. Looking forward to hearing about his ideas.

Been interested in TBL for many years now.

See you guys there. :)


Top Contributor
does everyone know they have now changed the time? this may mean some tickets will become avaialble.

this is the email i got this morning:

You are receiving this email because you are registered to attend a hackathon on Monday, February 4th. If you are not able to attend please email david.flanders@ands.org.au as there is a substantial waiting list of people wanting to attend this event.


We have some surprises to announce, but before we announce these surprises we need to make you aware of the changes we are making to the event.

First surprise: I am pleased to announce that The Age newspaper is sponsoring the event and hosting us in their state-of the art Docklands headquarters (next to Southern Cross Station):

Second surprise: Instead of the originally planned agenda of workshops in the morning followed by a panel discussion in the afternoon, we are changing the agenda to a day-long event (don't worry: all your tickets regardless of what you signed up for will be honoured) - and trust me when I say that you'll want to be there the entire day!

Why the change? Because the Age is opening up their doors to create a ‘Data Newsroom’ which will be run by YOU! Not only will we be teaching people about the latest tools and techniques on data wrangling (including linked data, visualisations, infographics, data munging, etc), we'll also be hosting a competition where we will be asking you to transform data into real news stories. You will be interacting with staff from The Age who will be on the lookout for great ideas to publish in the newspaper, on their website and on their Data Point data journalism blog.

Third Surprise: We'll we can't tell you just yet, but more surprises to come... Let’s just say the winner is going to have a hand to shake that they won’t forget!

In short, we hope you are all still willing to come along and know that the day will be a beehive of activity. Imagine an active newsroom of journalists trying to get their story pitched and published by the Age’s news editorial board! You'll not only learn a lot about the exciting world of data but best of all you'll learn how to make data an interesting story to tell.

We look forward to having you, please do let us know if you are not able to attend as we have a waiting list of people waiting to attend, please email the event coordinator David F. Flanders at the Australian National Data Service: david.flanders@ands.org.au

The Data Newsroom (previously 'linked data hackfest')
Hosted by DEV8D Down Under
Monday, February 4, 2013 from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM (EST)
Offices for The Age Newspaper in Melbourne (next to Southern Cross Railway Station) | Directions
hi guys / girls

As auDA is a sponsor of the Tim Berners Lee function auDA members have been given an opportunity to attend an exclusive Q&A event.

The announcement is here:

In early February, Sir Tim Berners-Lee will visit Australia for the first time in nearly 15 years.

Sir Tim is widely known as the inventor of the World Wide Web and is a passionate and outspoken advocate for keeping the Internet open, interoperable and accessible for all users.

auDA is very proud to be a co-sponsor of Sir Tim’s “Down Under tour”.

auDA “Q&A” with Sir Tim
On 4 February, auDA and will host a “Q&A”-style panel discussion at the University of Melbourne.

The event is themed “Governing the Internet – Threats and opportunities”. In addition to Sir Tim, panel members include:

- Chris Disspain: auDA CEO
- Jane Caro: lecturer, author, media commentator and regular Gruen Transfer panellist
- Peter Williams: digital innovation expert, Deloitte Centre for the Edge CEO and RMIT adjunct professor

The discussion will be moderated by prominent journalist and broadcaster, Alan Kohler.

Numbers are extremely limited and auDA is pleased to offer our members the first opportunity to secure tickets.

To register your interest, please send an email to tbl@auda.org.au. Please include your full name, email address and the number of tickets you would like to request. Tickets are being made available free-of-charge, however auDA reserves the right to limit allocations, based upon demand.

The event will be held at University House and will run from 7:30 to 10:30pm.

“TBL Down Under tour” public lectures
In addition to this exclusive event, auDA has also secured an allocation of tickets for Sir Tim’s booked-out keynote presentations and public lectures in Canberra (1 February), Gold Coast (2 February), Melbourne (4 February) and Sydney (5 February).

For more information about Sir Tim’s tour and the latest updates on his public schedule, click here.

Once again, email tbl@auda.org.au to register your interest, including your full name, the number of tickets you would like and which public lecture you would like to attend. Once again, we stress that places are very limited and tickets will be provided on a first-come, first-serve basis until auDA’s allocation is exhausted.

Given the tour is less than two weeks away, the deadline for expressions-of-interest for both opportunities is COB this Thursday 24 January.


Top Contributor
it would be great to get an idea of members going to the day event at the age

i'll be there and a friend who is a copywriter ( she's FANTASTIC) [but obviously doesn't write my posts :D]

I've always found that its great to network at these events as everyone "hears" different things, i usually like to have a get together afterwards to cross over different information that was heard if anyone is interested?

perhaps if there is a few of us we could walk down to the bull n bear for a "meeting", nothing formal as there may be a better option present itself during the day.

just a suggestion

Tim I was hoping you would have banished the Bull & Bear - as most of us know, it isn't exactly the best venue in the City, considering there are so many other cool bars and pubs

The Q&A session for auDA members is a great opportunity, I hope to see everyone there. You need to RSVP by 24 January, don't miss out.


Top Contributor
Tim I was hoping you would have banished the Bull & Bear - as most of us know, it isn't exactly the best venue in the City, considering there are so many other cool bars and pubs

The Q&A session for auDA members is a great opportunity, I hope to see everyone there. You need to RSVP by 24 January, don't miss out.

where-ever, i'm not fussed but based on the xmas party effort nobody wanted to go to a bar and pay $9 for a 330ml euro beer. we are never going to please everyone, i liked rydes but that really across town for this event, the turf bar is close and i think nice but there is no time to do research.

i'm actually hoping we all make some connections outside of dnt during the day and end up "somewhere" which happened at SMX last year.

just if i'm going to go into the cbd then i want to make the most of it and connect with people.

all cool, just throwing ideas out there.



Top Contributor
does everyone know they have now changed the time? this may mean some tickets will become avaialble.
Thanks for letting me know Tim, I only had tix for the public lecture, did not even know about this one. Just grabbed a ticked just now, there was about 24 left.



Top Contributor

well there are a few of us going monday, my personal opinion is that many ticket holders never show up especially when its FREE, so if you want to come.... go for it and take the chance.

if you could kindly post you are going to be attending the 10am-4pm session that would be great, please PM me your mobile number so we can hook up.

mine is
ZERO 4 3 9 8 5 9 8 6 ZERO
:) not sure if that actually helps?????????????? prevent spambots?:D



Top Contributor
Tickets anyone?

I can't make it to the event.

One ticket to TBL talk. And one ticket to Data News Room.

Let me know if you want them, I will email them to you.

Sent from my HTC One X using DNTrade mobile app


Top Contributor
i'm going to the day and the eveniing, my understanding is the evening starts at 5.30pm !

i'm just sourcing my ticket now and will update shortly


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