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Seller non responsive


Top Contributor
I won an AMA domain a few weeks back and am still waiting for the Seller to approve the COR.

NF has done everything you could ask of them, and sent many emails to the seller.

It's been waiting for them (the seller) to simply click the approve transfer link for 2 weeks now.

What would happen if they just never do?

I would assume them listing the domain is a contract to sell.

It's almost name and shame time IMO... :rolleyes:

PS. I hope they are well and have not fallen ill obviously.


Top Contributor
Not that I'm aware of. But someone here might know them.

The domain is still listed elsewhere for sale. A little worrying.


Top Contributor
i feel NF have to put in place something to prevent this, in an AMA NF becomes the broker thus responsible in my view for the completion of the transaction.

perhaps escrow systems need to be involved, i've personally never need it as up to date everything has gone smoothly, but i see the potential hassle.

on this topic NF need to take up the solution to your issue.

a deal is a deal is a deal, but at this moment WHO has the money?



Top Contributor
on this topic NF need to take up the solution to your issue.

a deal is a deal is a deal, but at this moment WHO has the money?


NF have been helpful and are doing all they can really.

I paid the invoice 2 weeks ago so can only assume the $$$ are in limbo waiting the COR to finalise.

I am not looking for the money back, I want the domain.


Top Contributor
Really makes you wonder about some sellers.
Most domainers selling usually want the sale to proceed as FAST as possible.


Top Contributor
If anyone knows:

Terantica SMSF / Terry Lockitch

Please ask them to approve the COR of the domain I won on the aftermarket auctions 3 weeks ago.


Top Contributor
i feel NF have to put in place something to prevent this, in an AMA NF becomes the broker thus responsible in my view for the completion of the transaction.

perhaps escrow systems need to be involved, i've personally never need it as up to date everything has gone smoothly, but i see the potential hassle.

on this topic NF need to take up the solution to your issue.

a deal is a deal is a deal, but at this moment WHO has the money?


We act as an agent on behalf of the seller, and we take the funds from the buyer only releasing funds to the seller when the buyer has verified full control of the domain. Like Escrow in other words.

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