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Rules? Meh who cares right?


Top Contributor
Never exceeded the speed limit? Ever downloaded music? And these are breaking sensible, ethical laws!!

I do have a rather unenviable collection of speeding fines and licence disqualifications...

...but my comment related to business only.

I can take personal fines and whatever, but I'd never compromise my business.


Top Contributor
My issue is not about the policy being wrong or right.

But while it is there, we need to comply.

i agree with davidL

Do we? Do you comply with all rules that you think are unfair, don't make sense, directly hurt you/your business and you can get away with breaking?

i have a word for everyone "egypt" , the power of the everyday person.

Originally Posted by Shane
I certainly do. Begrudgingly of course, but I prefer to keep my nose clean when it comes to business.

sometimes you have to stand up and i can tell you it hurts, by no means am i perfect but that shouldn't stop me from saying what you think.



Top Contributor
It doesn't really matter any more the policy is so grey it's not even funny.

No wrong has been done.


Top Contributor
I just worked out I registered my first domain name in 1996. So I have quickly recalled the years of joy I've had registering domain names! :)

Rules pre 2000 to create a Domain name portfolio - Register 100's of business names for every domain name. (e.g. "Greater Interactive Research Laboratory" was the business name I registerd to register a domain name. Of course it was related to my Software Development company. I used the "G I R L" letters to meet Domain Name registration requirements back then to register Girl.com.au. (We actually built this and sold the business later on to the guys @ Trellian)

Rules mid 2000's - register anything and everything and hope Auda don't come after you. (well that didn't work....)

Rules today - just follow the rules. It's not has hard as it use to be. Ignorance is no defence.

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