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I didn't know where to put this info but i think here was an alright place.

i was in the videoezy this afternoon and this guys on the mobile talking load and says "yeh, i've got loanfinder and financefinder.com.au....... bla bla, we'll

Loanfinder.com.au is registered to a company in QLD called LOANFINDER PTY LTD, registered since July 2000. Looks like a "real" website, although not a very attractive one.

Financefinder.com.au is owned by PEKE FINANCE PTY LTD, was registered through drop, has fabulous name servers, and comes up with a parking page. The businesses main domain www.pekefinance.com.au doesn't resolve at all.

Obviously possible, but doesn't sound like there is much commonality between the two domains, unless the guy was from PEKE and has agreements to buy the other domain but it hasn't happened yet. But sounds a big fishy and unlikely.

Not that it matters, still an interesting story!



Top Contributor
Just remember i was eavesdropping so maybe i got it not exactly correct, but it was something like finance and almost definately like finance.

the subject matter was just about talking load in the wrong place where everywhere is the wrong space.

but still a good story


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