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Removalist / removals domains


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I have www.drivinglessons.com.au yet I cannot get Driving Lesson companies to advertise at a mere $195 per annum.

What am I doing wrong? (Yellow Pages charges 5x my price and EVERYONE uses them)

I know its not my sales ability.

1. Get clicktale or crazy egg up there and have a look how many people are bailing from your "list your school" page. Needs more work IMO.

2. Your directory has squishy images and not very pro.

3. I would put the price on there so people know upfront how much it is going to cost. I would also put your sales pitch on the site "We get X traffic per day, we are ranked #1 in Google, we generate quality leads, here's a testimonial, you only need to get X customers per annum to break even, try our free 30 day listing .. blah blah blah

4. Change your design so it looks like a proper site and not a wordpress blog. Have some big buttons "Learner's Click Here" and "Driving Schools Advertise Here"

5. Put some big logos on your home page / feature listings to make your product more attractive and desirable (just dont need to point out that is an upsell or a random placement etc).

6. I clicked on QLD and got 3 listings and 1 for VIC? Check your product?

7. Put that big Australia map navigation in the centre of the page / content.

8. Make those random images smaller, they are pushing everything below the fold.

9. Have testimonials from both sides ... "I used DrivingLessons.com.au to find a new instructor when my first one turned out to be an idiot! - Jim, 17, Brisbane"

10. Don't assume you are awesome at sales, there's always more you can be doing. Let your product sell itself, don't rely on your skillz.
Last edited:


Top Contributor
1. Get clicktale or crazy egg up there and have a look how many people are bailing from your "list your school" page. Needs more work IMO.

2. Your directory has squishy images and not very pro.

3. I would put the price on there so people know upfront how much it is going to cost. I would also put your sales pitch on the site "We get X traffic per day, we are ranked #1 in Google, we generate quality leads, here's a testimonial, you only need to get X customers per annum to break even, try our free 30 day listing .. blah blah blah

4. Change your design so it looks like a proper site and not a wordpress blog. Have some big buttons "Learner's Click Here" and "Driving Schools Advertise Here"

5. Put some big logos on your home page / feature listings to make your product more attractive and desirable (just dont need to point out that is an upsell or a random placement etc).

6. I clicked on QLD and got 3 listings and 1 for VIC? Check your product?

7. Put that big Australia map navigation in the centre of the page / content.

8. Make those random images smaller, they are pushing everything below the fold.

9. Have testimonials from both sides ... "I used DrivingLessons.com.au to find a new instructor when my first one turned out to be an idiot! - Jim, 17, Brisbane"

10. Don't assume you are awesome at sales, there's always more you can be doing. Let your product sell itself, don't rely on your skillz.

Good tips there Cherytron.. awesome advice and good positive help


Top Contributor
Lots of removalist related domains on Netfleet. Inc the category killer removalists.com.au and the singular. geo targeted names too

Removalists.com.au high offer 4100

Assuming they've either sold or been removed?


Top Contributor
Who lists in the Yellow Pages these days?

I think most in that industry would.

I'd suggest the potential market is probably many times that. Also, I bet small removalist companies are probably very old-school types. I.e. no website so might view this as a way to get in the interweb...

These are the types who do advertise in the yellow pages, in my view it is the kind of industry that would advertise that way. Apart from the web, yellow pages and local papers where it would someone expect to find removalists?


Just build the site and list them all without their permission. Once you have traffic and they are getting leads etc - show them page stats for their listings and offer and upgrade including how 'better text' could improve their results from your service.

Do the work, then charge.


I would give them two months free and then bill monthly not per annum. If you don't wish to bill monthly at least pitch the price as a monthly price.

12 months at $12 each month sounds cheaper than 1 year at $180.

Also make phone calls, if they are not responding well to your pitch ask if you can send them an email and send sales pitch that way.

Send the businesses stats including how many visits they had on your directory and how many clicks. Show that your product is working in the 2 month free trial. If you consistantly get businesses signing up your site will be filled with businesses so when you try to sell a listing when they visit your site they see that other people have decided it is a good idea and they wont want to miss out.

I don't use this business model but I have talked to people in depth who have made very (VERY) good money from it.


haha yes I changed the figures a few times in that post!

I would edit but it would make your post seem weird.


Top Contributor
If you are still about jockp, there are a bunch of removalist names about to be dropped in today's expired domains auction.


Regular Member
I have www.drivinglessons.com.au yet I cannot get Driving Lesson companies to advertise at a mere $195 per annum.

What am I doing wrong? (Yellow Pages charges 5x my price and EVERYONE uses them)

I know its not my sales ability.

Hey Shaun,

I just noticed something that might help...

Check out your text on www.drivinglessons.com.au

All the articles are about Hairdressing :eek:

Welcome to DrivingLessons.com.au
Of course a good hairdressing skills are always in demand in the fashion industry and they work alongside some of the worlds most famous models all over the world and even have celebrity friends and some of them even work at the top sporting events like the tennis , al those girls get a quick makeover before hitting the courts these days. I once met a hairdresser who had all the top tennis players autographs because she had been doing the Australian Tennis Open for the 3 years and she was good friends with all the men's and woman's tennis stars.

About Us
The varying climate conditions in Australia make it difficult to keep one’s hair looking its best at all times. In the North it is tropical; because of increased humidity there is plenty of frizzed up hair to be found by Aussies living in this region. Those living in the western part of the country have a different kind of problem; many Aussies there have to contend with hair that gets dried out by the hot desert sun. Needless to say, an Australian looking for hairdressing jobs should have no problem finding one somewhere on the world’s smallest continent.


Top Contributor
That's what gives me the shits about so many domainer websites. You go to a site that says something like "Australia's best..." or "Australia's leading..." (in this case "Australia’s Premier Driving Schools Directory") yet the content is rubbish and it is clearly not Australia's premier/best/leading anything. The site in question only has two listings...

If I owned a driving school, I wouldn't pay anymore than $20 to advisertise on the site.


Top Contributor
RE: Hairdressing.

That's gold.

Soj should start the "2011 domainers awards" ... I +1 for DrivingLessons.com.au to take out the "Fail Content of the Year" award.


Archived Member
It's no wonder some people hardly post here anymore. You guys begin foaming at the mouth when you only know half the story.

Some people are so far behind in the race that they actually believe they're leading.

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