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Reminder of forum rules

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Today we received a number of complaints on posts breaking the forum rules.

We’ve posted about this several times before, but to be clear we will recap to make sure we avoid this happening again.

If you do continue to break forum rules, your account and posts will be moderated.

Please do not post multiple threads with duplicate or similar content.

If you are copying content from other threads or sites, you must use quotes, so readers know you are referencing content and to properly attribute the source of the content.

As everyone knows, DNTrade is a community forum, our admins do their best, however if there is a delay we appreciate your patience.

It is important that everyone’s voice is heard, whether you agree or disagree with the discussions, we ask that you show respect for one another and abide by the forum rules. These rules are in place to help ensure a level of quality and respect for the community on the forum.



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Hi Suzanna, I would guess this was my factual posts and I am aware who the Complainant is due to them being online at the same times which they rarely are.

My apologies forums are in the middle of a major issue at play currently in the .au name space.

Many people are trying as hard as they can to mute people.

I will adjust my posts accordingly but please note to all I am receiving a large amount of requests to post content . Whatever is posted is also where possible credited to where it came from to prove it is in fact factual.

It is very obvious there is a push underway from some very powerful groups to mute people. It may work in these forums but be assured the fight will be continuing to get the truth out. We have a lot of data and a lot of credible evidence.

As many forum members here are invited to make further submissions the public access to this material is crucial.

You can expect complaints from people as this is at the moment a very live debate and it is fact people are being shut down who speak up.

Once again thank you and as I messaged privately earlier today with screenshots please advise exactly what is a breach of forum rules privately.
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