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Redevelopment - Port Stevens


Top Contributor
Nice work Troy - that's a really great looking site.

Clever move to use a typo domain so you don't have competition and hit the number 1 spot for 'port stevens' in Google.


Top Contributor
Thanks Net, I value your opinion so that's great!

The local tourism authority here didn't like the website and they joined with the Newcastle Herald (owned by Fairfax, who happen to own stays.com.au) to give me a bit of a beating in the paper the other day: http://www.theherald.com.au/news/local/news/general/web-row-over-port-stephens-spelling/1532407.aspx

I'm starting to think they don't like competition ;)

This is the first phase of a major push into Port Stephens, so we're off to a good start.


Top Contributor
Hi Troy,
Man thats amazing and free advertising to boot. I don't know what all the fuss is about, even if the 3% is true, what are they worried about, your just offering the same as they are, seems like sour grapes to me.
All the best with it Troy



Top Contributor

Maybe the Tourism board would settle down if you pointed out the correct spelling somewhere on the site.

I would definitely spell it with the V as I don't know much about the area..

"users of the website Twitter have joked about the misspelling." - hardly newsworthy.

Keep up the good work Troy!


Top Contributor
I was thinking the same thing!

"Users of dntrade have also found it hilarious..."

"A young girl on myspace was outraged."

"A Facebook group has now been set up protesting against the typo"

Well done Troy!


Top Contributor
Thanks everyone, I appreciate the comments. I couldn't find that facebook group net - is there really a group? :cool:


I hear A Current Affair and Today Tonight are also scrambling to get in on this outrage.

Haha, I bet when they said 3% spelt the name wrong, they just went to their statistics package and had a look at who was coming to "their" website with wrong spelling.


Top Contributor
I bet when they said 3% spelt the name wrong, they just went to their statistics package and had a look at who was coming to "their" website with wrong spelling.

Spot on Soj! Their stats are completely irrelevant as they're not # 1 for Port Stevens.


Top Contributor
I did get this yesterday from a twitterer / web designer:

"Well done! Great work with the Port Stevens site. I wrote about you http://bit.ly/c5xI5 - you are in inspiration for all of us!"

Gave me some comfort knowing that others seen through the story.

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
as they say no such thing as bad advertising !

never read a story like that before

I hear they hung ned kelly for less ?

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