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Pre-Christmas Drinks


Top Contributor
Can you make it to the Brisbane drinks? You can be the main sponsor for that sort of cash. And you too Drop.
I cannot make it to Brisbane either. I am undertaking some rest and relaxation which requires me to keep away from airplanes and alcohol... not much of a Christmas without my favorite vices but I am happy to sponsor some drinks in Brisbane too if there is a meetup of sorts being organised.


Top Contributor
We've booked Diksteins for Tuesday from 6pm onwards, under Domain Industry Drinks.

433 Little Collins St, Melbourne VIC 3000

See everyone there!
I'll be coming later, around 7:30-8, after gym session :rolleyes: lol
Hope people are still there. :)

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
Hey what a great night, saying hello to erhan, neddy, brad, tim, oz, chris, scott and peter and anyone else i may have forgotten?
Many thanks to all sponsors, it was a good chat, i kinda enjoyed yelling out "interest rates have gone down" at the second pub ..... the look of horror at the forty guys in business suits
Merry Xmas all !


Top Contributor
Hey what a great night, saying hello to erhan, neddy, brad, tim, oz, chris, scott and peter and anyone else i may have forgotten?
Many thanks to all sponsors, it was a good chat, i kinda enjoyed yelling out "interest rates have gone down" at the second pub ..... the look of horror at the forty guys in business suits
Merry Xmas all !
Good to see those that attended. Likewise I give thanks to Domain Shield, Drop and Netfleet for their contributions. Unfortunately Diksteins didn't have Bolly or anything comparable! Poor old Oz and me! Ha ha!

By the way Rod, Bradd is a "Double D" - he's got big boobs. ;)


Top Contributor
Good to see those that attended. Likewise I give thanks to Domain Shield, Drop and Netfleet for their contributions. Unfortunately Diksteins didn't have Bolly or anything comparable! Poor old Oz and me! Ha ha!

By the way Rod, Bradd is a "Double D" - he's got big boobs. ;)
Bradd with Double D - Big boobs! haha

Awesome night, and thanks to the sponsors. great seeing y'all there, Ned, Scott, BraDD, Tim, Erhan, Chris, Spacey, Peter, Liam, etc, etc...

Next time got to go somewhere with Bolly...


Top Contributor
nice to get together, i know its difficult to organise but the more the merrier IMO

i think its a good spot to hold the event, fantastic pizzas and i think the timing suits so i'd like to suggest @ first week of december is a good time as a starting point for setting a date in 2016.



Top Contributor
Great to hear ya all had a good time there.
Personally, I would not piss on the place if it caught on fire.
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