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pending delete


Top Contributor
PD's on drops still confuse me, some are good names and get picked up other people stay away from, it seems hard to judge if the risk is ok as you can have a "client asked for deletion" which might suggest they went out of business and anybody can now have it ?

but the other day i saw one and did as much research as i could, and it was a pretty good name, no fantastic but worth a bid, but what confused me was a very LARGE company owned it and had asked for it to be deleted, a company with enough lawyers to kill any complaints i would have expected, no trademarks, no registered business names related.

its now gone to hand reg so i'm unsure if i should pick it up, of course i don't want to tell you the name but let use ummmm optometrist.com.au got PD'd then nobody touched it , now its hand reg and it was PD'd by specsavers who are optometrists.

doesn't make sense? maybe i should register it and wait for the "letter" , could be worth $20 just to solve the mystery

opinions !

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Regular Member
"Pending delete" - do you mean "policy delete"?

From what I understand, 'client requested delete' is a fairy generic status identifier and doesn't necessarily mean the current/prior registrant asked for it to be deleted.


Top Contributor
"Pending delete" - do you mean "policy delete"?

From what I understand, 'client requested delete' is a fairy generic status identifier and doesn't necessarily mean the current/prior registrant asked for it to be deleted.

like this, " pendingDelete (Client requested delete) ", whatever PD stands for on NF

generic: thats the problem, any person could come along and do a hand reg and then get legal letter.

i see gameservers got picked up today, here comes another utube !



Top Contributor
i see gameservers got picked up today, here comes another utube !

That's not true

The problem is very rarely the domain- it's the registrant's use of the domain or the registrant itself!

utube.com.au is one of those very rare exceptions because it's a misspelling of youtube. But even that could have a legitimate registration.... but let's not go there again.
PD is mostly related to eligibility issues, sometimes other reasons such as monetisation policy, but not often.

Remember, comply with the Eligibility Policy, make sure you dont infringe anyone else's IP rights and you should be fine. If this domain is generic /descriptive then you are less likely to infringe anyone's IP rights.

Don't be scared of picking up PD domains.


Top Contributor
PD is mostly related to eligibility issues, sometimes other reasons such as monetisation policy, but not often.

Remember, comply with the Eligibility Policy, make sure you dont infringe anyone else's IP rights and you should be fine. If this domain is generic /descriptive then you are less likely to infringe anyone's IP rights.

Don't be scared of picking up PD domains.

thanks, i am eligilble for it, it is generic/descriptive which i do comply to, the stupid thing is i thought the previous owner would be as well that sis why i was puzzled.

i think i will get it and see what happens. if i have to give it up so be it, its worth the learning curve as i'm not going to starve over it.

it sh*t hits the fan then it will make for an interesting post :D



Top Contributor
end result is i did some more research and then registered it, there were 3 domains i was looking at and i managed to track down 2 of the previous owners and phone them.

1 didn't know the domain had disappeared ! even though google still had it cached ( thats how i got the phone number ) so i haven't touched that and given her my number if she wants some help

the second didn't know it had disappeared ! but didn't care as she decided to change her business name ?

BOTH had a common story, the large company i talked about was handling their online presence and the 2 businesses have recently sold and the new owners both had decided to nolonger stock that companies products

so my assumption is that company asked for the PD without the owners knowledge, as those owners were selling they didn't care now 1 new owner is peevd and the other luckily doesn't care.

what a waste of rankings !

the third, which is the 1 i bought i could not find any reference to.

in conclusion a PD isn't off limits as erhan said and i feel better for doing the research

don't ask me for the domain name or the company name even if this is closed to google, i was just providing an update.

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