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Numerics ????

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
I wonder if anyone here has a numeric domain ?

i have a few , 6462.com , which is one of only 10,000 0000 to 9999

I have a few nnnnn's .coms

There is a company called worlddial , they believe that because of the internet usage on phones is growing that numbers may play a big part of the internet mobile device in the future ? its interesting stuff and i have regged a few with the same idea in mind. If you look at 4636.net you will also get the idea, on a phonepad 4636 = info , i was able to grab 4636.info which on a phonepad = info.info , there is an adult website called 739.com , which spells sex on a phonepad , i was able to get 739.com.au and 7676.com.au
which spell sex and porn , so intersting to see what happens down the road?

One that i regged is 0-0.com.au at the time i liked it , keeping in mind there can only be 100 of this type of domain , looks like a pair of glasses to me , but in hindsight i could have done better .... not to worry , i did notice 1-1.com.au is gone , and in .com these are worth a few bucks
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Numeric domains are worth a bit of money, especially in the 3 number form, not so sure about the 4 digit form, though could easily be used for aussie postcodes for maybe a community site. I was looking at 3 digit .nets a while back for just an investment as i had noticed they were appreciating quite well as they are pretty rare, a great price guide for those domains is this site http://www.3character.com/priceguide.html


I think they are the type of domains you will have to sit on for a quite a few years to make big money. But for 13 bucks a year its not exactly a job to do so :p

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
i spent a fair wack more than $13. to get my nnnn.com , they are like land , they dont make them any more , the nnnnn's sold out earlier this year as well


There was a huge LLLL.com boom this year, and a lot of them were registered and being traded, then the market crashed and are worth not much at all anymore. not sure how the NNNN.com's fare though.

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
nnnn's have a built in value , its the nnnnn's that will see the bubble burst like the LLLL's

many nnnnn's are owned by marchex (did i spell that correctly) thing is they own .nets and are used are directory sites for each postccode in the states, but some LLLL's are still held in high regard , the domain 7888.com was sold the other week for $4,300 , of course the 888 is considered lucky to the chinese
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Data Glasses

Top Contributor
forgot to mention i have a nnn.info 583 , there can only be 1000 of these 000-999 , yes 3character.com is a good site to get ideas of values

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