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Top Contributor
Yeah it's not ideal - waste of valuable realestate. We are changing the auction system around quite radically so it will be much better soon. Please bear with us in the meantime!

PS this month's auction is set to be the biggest yet!

Get a wriggle on will ya? :)
Having "passed in" names for 3 weeks on the home page is not good for anyone

Today http://www.netfleet.com.au/index.php?a=auctions says
"Next auction opens Tue 14 Jun 2011 16:00:00 AEDT"

Can you give an ETA of the changes you are doing?

Exposure on the home page in advance of an auction would be good


Top Contributor
Get a wriggle on will ya? :)
Having "passed in" names for 3 weeks on the home page is not good for anyone

Agreed. Although it is good for the inquisitive who may be considering an Aftermarket Auction. However, we need best of both worlds though, with the ability to show all Aftermarket Auctions past, present and future.

Today http://www.netfleet.com.au/index.php?a=auctions says
"Next auction opens Tue 14 Jun 2011 16:00:00 AEDT"

Whoops! Now updated

Can you give an ETA of the changes you are doing?

I don't have one just yet - although I can say it will be in the region of weeks, not days. The changes we are making will reshape our entire auction process. Sorry, not much to give you yet



Top Contributor
De Ja Vu

Last months aftermarket auction is open for bids
Wonder where this months went, and why


Top Contributor
De Ja Vu

Last months aftermarket auction is open for bids
Wonder where this months went, and why

Hi Joe

It wasn't actually open for bids, we just had to postpone the opening by a few hours this evening.

We've now opened it up so good to go! Some nice ones in there to boot


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