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new TLD'S "Failing" and drastic price discount


Top Contributor
this conversation could be flipped to bitcoin couldn't it? i mean we are all saying OMG i wish i bought in at $0.03 i'd have made a motza.
so this is all hindsight, we could be trashing people who invested in bitcoin right now !

thats just the business, any business
Hi Tim, please stay on topic or I will need to report to post to Dntrade for censorship / deletion as you did recently when it was auDA related and you seemingly did not like the post :).

With your willingness to post on Bitcoins and not on auDA or .au related threads perhaps join a Bitcoin forum and run for a bitcoin board instead?


Top Contributor
I am actually surprised by the low prices of .net
sales.net $6500
bargain.net $6500

.net prices have been hammered by the volume of competing "alt tlds" coming onto the market. .net still outsells all those tlds combined by a massive margin but the wholesale interest is a fraction of what it was.

.net is also under a lot of pressure due to pretty constant Verisign price rises, likely to be over $15 wholesale within 6 years. Think the extension is a bad bet for domainers.


Data Glasses

Top Contributor
.net prices have been hammered by the volume of competing "alt tlds" coming onto the market. .net still outsells all those tlds combined by a massive margin but the wholesale interest is a fraction of what it was.

.net is also under a lot of pressure due to pretty constant Verisign price rises, likely to be over $15 wholesale within 6 years. Think the extension is a bad bet for domainers.

Print seemed cheap


Top Contributor
How many did you get?
I just know they're going to be a gold mine, so I registered every number from 10000.xyz to 19999.xyz
In the wise words of Frank Shilling, I decided to "leave some money on the table for the next guy", so I left the 20000's and 30000's etc, for other people to make some money too.
Do the math?!
I only spent 9999 x $0.88c = $8799.12 US
I reckon these things are going to go for, like, $100 each in a few years... so I look to make:
9999 x $100 = $999900 US
That's US dollars!!
And if I can just repeat that pattern a few times with some of these UNDERATED gTLDs (like .Horse etc) - then I could be a BILLIONAIRE in a few years.
Damn. I saw that Billion.com.au dropped a few days ago. I should have grabbed that so I could have used rob@billion.com.au when I hit my milestone.

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