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New members: Please post a quick intro!


Top Contributor
As part of our spam control, all new accounts are on moderation. We ask that all new members post a quick introduction before approval, it only takes a minute and it helps us get to know each other.

Thanks for your understanding :)



Top Contributor
Hi all, just a reminder, we appreciate a quick intro post to let the community know a little bit about you. Thanks in advance!


Top Contributor
Hi all, just a reminder, we appreciate a quick intro post to let the community know a little bit about you. Thanks in advance!

I can't wait to read it when he ( we know who is new and a PR paid spin doctor for Afilias and auDA) writes it up... probably waiting for auDA's Cameron Boardman and their other paid PR people to write it for him to post here...

Chris can we make sure Paid PR people have to put on a disclaimer they are paid to post, to do PR and lurk here?


Top Contributor
Paid PR people have to put on a disclaimer they are paid to post
chris, i support this idea, i have to disclose i am an auda director and my comments are my own. ( my signature)
whilst i also agree everyone has an agenda a paid agenda tips the scales for me.
likewise josh , jimboot and paulS should state they are a person involved in the SGM and i am sure they would agree with that.


Top Contributor
chris, i support this idea, i have to disclose i am an auda director and my comments are my own. ( my signature)
whilst i also agree everyone has an agenda a paid agenda tips the scales for me.
likewise josh , jimboot and paulS should state they are a person involved in the SGM and i am sure they would agree with that.

Jim, Josh and PaulS are not being paid by an auDA subcontractor who now runs the .au namespace wholesale registry but Laurie Patton is... Google search...

Andrew Wright

Top Contributor
@Laurie Patton - think the last few posts may be aimed at you.

I know little about you apart from the fact that you sent me an unsolicited email using my auDa member email address.

Subject: Subscribe to my free blog - The Lucky General
Tue 12/06/2018 3:01 PM
From "Laurie Patton" <laurieP@conexion.com.au>
to "Laurie Patton" <lauriep@conexion.com.au> and copy to people and Bcc to XXXXX
I’m writing to you as a fellow auDA member. My new blog The Lucky General contains a number of articles about the current auDA review process that might interest you. It also contains a range of other articles on other subjects that I think might interest you.

You can subscribe here: http://theluckygeneral.biz/subscribe/

Thank you

LAURIE PATTON | The Lucky General

Maybe you should check this out - https://www.adma.com.au/sites/default/files/media/fs161-spamact-understandingconsent.pdf


Top Contributor
@Laurie Patton - think the last few posts may be aimed at you.

I know little about you apart from the fact that you sent me an unsolicited email using my auDa member email address.

Subject: Subscribe to my free blog - The Lucky General
Tue 12/06/2018 3:01 PM
From "Laurie Patton" <laurieP@conexion.com.au>
to "Laurie Patton" <lauriep@conexion.com.au> and copy to people and Bcc to XXXXX
I’m writing to you as a fellow auDA member. My new blog The Lucky General contains a number of articles about the current auDA review process that might interest you. It also contains a range of other articles on other subjects that I think might interest you.

You can subscribe here: http://theluckygeneral.biz/subscribe/

Thank you

LAURIE PATTON | The Lucky General

Maybe you should check this out - https://www.adma.com.au/sites/default/files/media/fs161-spamact-understandingconsent.pdf

Yes Laurie, what motivated you, Afilias and auDA to spam the membership database with the PR campaign? It has never happened before ever.

Yes please post up your receipt you paid for the database like you offered previously.

Did you pay personally or did Afilias pay?


As part of our spam control, all new accounts are on moderation. We ask that all new members post a quick introduction before approval, it only takes a minute and it helps us get to know each other.

Thanks for your understanding :)

I`m Taylor, currently living in NZ, Auckland. Interesting in web hostings and SEO. Also i`m a big fan of NHL, greetings to everyone!!


New Member
Hi, I am Alex from Sydney. I look forward to hearing from you all. I have over 50 domains - mostly three letter.com.au plus some other domains that I have held on for a number of years.


I have some .com.au domains that I'm thinking of selling. Had them for years with functioning, income-generating websites but business is heading in a different direction. Where is the best place to list them these days?


Top Contributor
I have some .com.au domains that I'm thinking of selling. Had them for years with functioning, income-generating websites but business is heading in a different direction. Where is the best place to list them these days?

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