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Never Easy Even If You Have A Good Innings


Top Contributor
Thanks again to everyone who sent me their wishes. I truly appreciate them. :)

Funeral has all happened, and I'm on my way home tomorrow (overnighting in Sydney). Back to work on Thursday.

Cheers, Ned


Top Contributor
same same as above posts ned, but i think if i get to 92 then its a good innings, my folks are now 86 and 84 so us kids think about it alot.

helenas are 85 and 76 so the same goes.

my best wishes and if i could tell you a story as i always do....

when my pop passed away at 100+ ....nobody knew his age as he kept changing it to either stop from being drafted to the wars or to be able to get a job ! so that was 1992 , so say born in 1892 he was 20 in 1912 but never went to war, he was 48 in 1940 but never went to war , but he sold model T fords when they first came to oz so we do not know how old he was when he passed away. to young/old to go to war but old enough to work?

After the funeral my REBEL uncle said "so where is the wake? " and my aunties said..."no wake" and my uncle said " BULLS$^%$^%$T" and we drove down and got 6 slabs of beer and steaks and snags and went back to my uncles place to have a party ........ just like POP would have wanted.

funerals at 92 are a celebration of life not a sad thing, memories, positives, what that person GAVE you in your life, the knowledge the experience the LOVE. yes its sad but that sadness is a choice, a decision, i look back on pop and i see a great man that gave me great experiences and that what i choose to have in my mind not the loss.

I hope i'm not out of line here but instead of saying " condolences " i wanted to give more and i hope you see my intent is pure.


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