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Netfleet - You Have To Lift Your Game


Top Contributor
Oh, please.
While I'm not in agreement with Snoopy on .au, credit where credit is due. He was one of a small number of domainers who saw an opportunity at the time you mentioned and took it with both hands.

As we used to say in the band, "you're only as good as your latest performance."
If Snoopy's current portfolio is his latest performance then the crowd it chanting for an encore. :cool:


Top Contributor
We're looking for a stand up comedian for the next DNTrade meetup. Are you up for it, Snoopy?

Have written a small script,

[snoopy stands at window]
[robert enters room]

Robert (angry): Coles just sold me out of date milk, they should lose their accreditation to sell milk!

Snoopy (shouts at Robert): You are wrong Robert, the problem is simply that all milk tastes terrible, why do you drink milk anyway? I only drink coconut water.

Robert: You do not know anything about milk Snoopy! When is the last time you drank milk, do you drink milk regularly? I drink milk 3 times per day.

Snoopy: Robert, Milk has been in overall decline since the Pura incident of 2012. The milk is contaminated and the situation will only get worse! It's poison!

[snoopy storms out]
[robert storms out]

[end of scene]


Top Contributor
Have written a small script,

[snoopy stands at window]
[robert enters room]

Robert (angry): Coles just sold me out of date milk, they should lose their accreditation to sell milk!

Snoopy (shouts at Robert): You are wrong Robert, the problem is simply that all milk tastes terrible, why do you drink milk anyway? I only drink coconut water.

Robert: You do not know anything about milk Snoopy! When is the last time you drank milk, do you drink milk regularly? I drink milk 3 times per day.

Snoopy: Robert, Milk has been in overall decline since the Pura incident of 2012. The milk is contaminated and the situation will only get worse! It's poison!

[snoopy storms out]
[robert storms out]

[end of scene]
Gold! You're hired. If we combine Robert's experience as a performer and manager of a major record label signed band with your comedic genius and sickening number of generic one word .coms, we'll make a killing.

I can see it now ...

Snoopy Does Domains
The $0 Australian Tour


Top Contributor
She has noted some new "help", by way of possibly a new developer, may be coming on board soon to fix some of the technical glitches... I hope and look forward to this happening sooner rather than later.

Such a technical glitch not being able to reply to emails. I'm sure a developer can fix that.


Top Contributor
Snoopy, it’s been pointed out to me some of the cool deals you were involved in back in the day, that I wasn't aware of, and they are legitimately impressive. So, I take back the rubbish I said earlier in this thread.

However, if you command respect I also hope you can give it without the sarcastic jabs. As a successful newcomer in this space, I honestly believe you are undervaluing the power and potential of not only .com.au but the upcoming .au(.) Obviously a lot of us don't like your negative attacks on the Australian domain name market.

In terms of your script, I've written a few screenplays for my Science Fiction novel (Silverbirch.com) and I think it needs a little work. Perhaps we should employ characters from famous sitcoms, like you suggest. But I would recommend Richie and The Fonz over the characters mentioned so far. Probably less yelling too.

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
I was assuming no-one actually owned a motorbike like Fonzie's 1949 Triumph Trophy TR5 Scrambler (may I suggest characters from the Peanuts instead?)


Top Contributor
As a successful newcomer in this space, I honestly believe you are undervaluing the power and potential of not only .com.au but the upcoming .au(.) Obviously a lot of us don't like your negative attacks on the Australian domain name market.

People have been making predictions of .com.au's upcoming boom times for as long as I can remember and it has never happened. The market simply doesn't have the level of demand required.

.au will do damage, just like .uk did. It is adding a heap of low quality supply to a market that is already weak.

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