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my domains


Top Contributor
They contain very popular keywords, ebusiness and elearning.
There must be some value there even if the ezye isnt a keyword ?

I don't think that will help you, they aren't exact match domains, they just contain the term.

I can tell you know though there is no value, I think you are trying to convince yourself as opposed to listening to the majority here. As another poster stated, we all make mistake, better to realise that than throw good money & time after bad.


I think you are trying to convince yourself


You've gone from asking for your domains to be appraised, to declaring that they'll have value once you develop and 'SEO' them, to defending the 'fact' that they have keywords and are therefore valuable.

I've lost the point of this thread ...

PS - ezecommunications.com.au is dropping tomorrow ... I know it's missing a 'y' but thought you might be interested ...


Top Contributor
I'll look at this from a branding perspective as that's where you seem to be coming from...

I think these domains will be very difficult to market - if you advertised them in a magazine or on a flyer people would have to look twice to make sure they type it in correctly. Even worse, imagine them on a billboard as you drive past.

I think if you were to use these in your marketing then ezybusiness, ezydiy (available), ezyholidays and ezylearning (available) will pick up traffic as people overlook that extra 'e'.


Top Contributor
Sorry guys, I dont get your logic ...

My domains are worthless and a waste of time because the arent keyword rich seems to be the consensus.
This is incorect as stated by a 'Google Software Engineer'. In fact, he said he would prefer 'brandable' domains over keyword domains.

They are worthless because because they are not recognisable as a brand.
Ezy alone has 5,000,000 search results, elearning has 34,000,000, ebusiness has 34,000,000 also. Im not interested in ezylearning or ezybusiness because my topic areas are elearning and ebusiness.

The same google software engineer goes onto say some of the most successful domains bear no resemblance to the topic they represent.

I don't need to convince myself of anything because it is fact, straight from the horses mouth.

It seems that if I ask for domain names to be appraised, I have to accept the word of 'so called experts' and can't have my own opinion ?


Top Contributor
The bottom line, as any SEO expert will tell you is the content.
Keyword rich domains used to have some sway, but it seems that google realises there is no real value in sites that rely on this alone. Too many keyword sites out there that are just pages of links.

So as my domains stand, undeveloped, there are not worth a great deal. But value adding is directly proportional to how much work you want to put in, and how much decent content you have access too.
Too many used car salesmen around here I think. Slap a coat of polish over it and flog it off. Im a mechanic, I care whats under the bonnet. And whats under the bonnet is important when it comes to performance.
You wont go far in a shiney car with a blown engine.
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Top Contributor
Yes Content and branding is the key to using NON-Keyword names.
But why make things harder than they have to be?
Starting with a keyword friendly name, than developing with great content with effective branding promotion.
A Killer Combination.

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
may be worth considering the 'radio test' when regging a name , will it be confused with anything else ? spelling wise, numbers .....etc

no one here is blatantly putting you down, just offering lessons learned along the way in the hope others avoid the same mistakes

if i heard most of these name over the radio i would most probably type in 'easy' at first and then maybe 'ez' ......'ezy' would be last choice, however by then i have lost the urge to see what the site

good luck with it


Archived Member
Just need to add 3d as a prefix AND suffix and you're onto a sure winner!



Top Contributor
Yes Content and branding is the key to using NON-Keyword names.
But why make things harder than they have to be?
Starting with a keyword friendly name, than developing with great content with effective branding promotion.
A Killer Combination.

Sure, a keyword domain may seem ideal, but now days its only a psychological advantage at most. And as Matt Cutts said, it can also be a psychological disadvantage.


Top Contributor
Sorry guys, I dont get your logic ...

My domains are worthless and a waste of time because the arent keyword rich seems to be the consensus.
This is incorect as stated by a 'Google Software Engineer'. In fact, he said he would prefer 'brandable' domains over keyword domains.

They are worthless because because they are not recognisable as a brand.
Ezy alone has 5,000,000 search results, elearning has 34,000,000, ebusiness has 34,000,000 also. Im not interested in ezylearning or ezybusiness because my topic areas are elearning and ebusiness.

The same google software engineer goes onto say some of the most successful domains bear no resemblance to the topic they represent.

I don't need to convince myself of anything because it is fact, straight from the horses mouth.

It seems that if I ask for domain names to be appraised, I have to accept the word of 'so called experts' and can't have my own opinion ?

Here is the acid test,

Go and offer those names for sale...see what response you get.
Try and develop those names and try and target the keywords you are talking about...see how you go with that.


Top Contributor
may be worth considering the 'radio test' when regging a name , will it be confused with anything else ? spelling wise, numbers .....etc

no one here is blatantly putting you down, just offering lessons learned along the way in the hope others avoid the same mistakes

if i heard most of these name over the radio i would most probably type in 'easy' at first and then maybe 'ez' ......'ezy' would be last choice, however by then i have lost the urge to see what the site

good luck with it

Lucky most people do their searching via google and not the radio I guess :p


Top Contributor
Here is the acid test,

Go and offer those names for sale...see what response you get.
Try and develop those names and try and target the keywords you are talking about...see how you go with that.

Seems to me that a lot of the emphasis here is just the value of the domain name. Domain name trading, not content development in relation to that domain name ...Correct me if im wrong ... why dont you guys show me some of the sites you have developed ...


Top Contributor
Follow your instincts SensoryFX - the worst that can happen is they fail miserably and you learn from them or they succeed wildly. Win/Win if you're dedicated.


Top Contributor
may be worth considering the 'radio test' when regging a name , will it be confused with anything else ? spelling wise, numbers .....etc

no one here is blatantly putting you down, just offering lessons learned along the way in the hope others avoid the same mistakes

if i heard most of these name over the radio i would most probably type in 'easy' at first and then maybe 'ez' ......'ezy' would be last choice, however by then i have lost the urge to see what the site

good luck with it

Good post Spacey. I have seen the old "Radio test" referred to more and more on overseas forums. It makes a lot of sense. Does the domain pass the "radio test"? Does it sound as you would spell it?

SensoryFX - no one is having a smack at you - they are just giving you the benefit of their many combined years of experience.

If you want to swim against the stream, then of course that is totally your call. At the end of the day, you never know, might prove us all wrong. :)

Cheers, Ned


Top Contributor
thanks ned ... in my honest opinion there is too much emphasis on the domain name, and not enough on quality content.

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
Thanks Ned, sensoryfx ya gotta remember this is the domain appraisals section, however once you get a website up and running the tide may turn in the website review thread ?

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