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Melbourne IT to buy Netregistry Group


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People have been looking around online and found that other companies do exist where they can register domain names at a cheaper price and that it is easier than they thought to transfer registered names across to another registrar. When I first started MelbourneIT was the only registrar that I had heard of and I'd suggest that the same can be said for many people who use it now.


Regular Member
there is still plenty of competition

Just take a look at the forum sponsors, I use all of them Drop.com.au, Netfleet.com.au, Domainshield.com.au and Ventraip.com.au - all good registrars who support our forum.

Well this news has made Ventraip's domain name price increase seem insignificant! Will be moving mine over as soon as Melbourne IT send out the "Pricing Update Effective From..." email.


Regular Member
I already moved most of my domains away from them last year... now I wonder what happens with reseller credits do they vanish?


Regular Member
It would appear some people and lawyers are stupid to pay 700% more or 1400% more using MelbourneIt when the actual product /service / results of a registering, renewing, CORing the customer gets in the end is the same as far less costly providers.

Those lawyers may be doing a great disservice to their clients it seems by overcharging when they could be saving their clients considerable money....sometimes as lawyers often are known for sadly.... but thats another issue. I know you are the exception to that thats why we all like you!

I feel pity for Melbourne IT users. I was one years ago and gave them a lot of money as I too was being hit with the crazy prices until I bothered to move. In my opinion and as the market pricing table shows their customers are being ripped off for .au domain name registrations, renewals and COR by using them.

For clarity Melbourne IT is not $70 for a .com.au or COR etc it is $140! and again COR is $339. Compare that to available competitor market pricing of $19.95 for both .com.au registration, renewal and COR.

Don't worry agencies that resell MIT domains charge much much more than that... so it's not just direct customers getting screwed on prices. I've seen clients show me agency quotes for domains of between $350-500 per year and even higher for the bigger global agencies....


Top Contributor

TPP now cold-calling Australian Web hosting providers, offering Whitelabel reseller hosting. I was quite surprised to receive the call.


Top Contributor
Indeed it was. And pretty sure it was someone @ TPP who I've dealt with outside of my day job. (I have a personal TPP wholesale account)

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