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Top Contributor
Surely the inappropriate actions of one member do not negate the need to honour the winning bids of the other two members.

The action was merely to show if I'm ignored and rules weren't upheld then I will no longer participate. It wasn't an issue for the two users as per their responses.

@HireDomains mate I don't understand your issue, are you bored at home on your own?

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
No it's just not the way to do business, also when you put firework.com.au next to your avatar and shaft people it reflects badly on Aussie domainers. Mate you were banned for not being honourable in your dealings. No amount of "poor me" will convince anyone reading this thread. I will leave you with that thought and hope you learn something ?


Top Contributor
No it's just not the way to do business, also when you put firework.com.au next to your avatar and shaft people it reflects badly on Aussie domainers. Mate you were banned for not being honourable in your dealings. No amount of "poor me" will convince anyone reading this thread. I will leave you with that thought and hope you learn something ?

One person out of the thousands reflects badly on the entire extension? That's insane.

I asked to be banned, I can post a screenshot of the PM's if you want to hop down from that high horse of yours

Jog on.

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