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Likewise, I attempted to negotiate a .com and .com.au purchase earlier this year but the owner was not at all motivated to sell and wanted $100k for the pair. He recently renewed the .com but not the .com.au.

Did you pick up the .com.au Joe?


Top Contributor
Neddy: Yep, managed to hand reg it a few days after it dropped. I noticed it was in redemption but snoozed for a few days when it went to auction, lucky nobody else thought it was worth catching. Without a lot of marketing it really doesn't have much value, it's more of a catchphrase than anything else.


Regular Member
oh well. Too rich for me.
I play in that space also and feel like I know the vaolue but can't get into those numbers.


Top Contributor
oh well. Too rich for me.
I play in that space also and feel like I know the vaolue but can't get into those numbers.
I know the feeling - even if I know a domain is a little gem, nonetheless I still find myself getting nervous once the price starts pushing into the mid $XXX and I often get cold feet for no other reason than the price is high, even though it is still good value at the high price.


Top Contributor
I have a comparable domain name available with:

equal exact local search volume,
approx. treble phrase local search volume and
approx one-third CPC

If anyone is seriously interested, let me know via DM.

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