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Letter of Demand


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There's no misspelling italiandragon. Their domain is singular, mine is plural. No spelling mistakes there mate.

well yes I know that, what I meant was that there just 1 little difference and they are jumping up and down which I really don't like that.

AUDA should consider that in the real world if let's say that there is a big business, let's suppose a Casino located in 34 Main Street and there is a man who lives in 35 Main Street names Mr Cassino (It could really happen since Cassino is an Italian surname and Italian town!), there is NO way to demand him to move to another location or to change his surname simply because his address and name are confusingly similar with the Casino.
I suggest that where you get this type of letter you are best NOT to call or write to them, they can very easily twist something you say and use it against you. It is best to carefully review and consider the claims being made and then get legal advice.


Top Contributor
I suggest that where you get this type of letter you are best NOT to call or write to them, they can very easily twist something you say and use it against you. It is best to carefully review and consider the claims being made and then get legal advice.

Excellent advice about folks not responding and seeking out legal advice



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Lol no don't, but it would be funny.

Type this in to Google:
allinurl: direct.com.au

Look how many results there are!

I think that "direct" extension is so generic that a couple of entities could get away living on plural/singular versions. Of course, the bigger of the two are always going to be pissed.

Look at kitchenwaredirect.com.au vs kitchenwaresdirect.com.au.

The singular in this instance is clearly bigger / a lot more well known, I have shopped there several times. But I've never gone to the plural until just now when I read your post.

Good luck to them, just ignore it.


Top Contributor
Legal advice is overrated if you ask me.

I've received a few nasty letters from lawyers in my time, and I generally find that if you deal with them on a person-to-person basis you will see that there's a reasonable person behind the nasty lawyer talk.

On each occasion the outcome has left everyone satisfied, and I can't see how it would have turned out any better if I'd have paid a lawyer a few grand to get involved. It probably would have just dragged on for longer whilst the lawyers battled it out.

It depends on what's at stake though I guess. If we were talking about figures of $50,000+ then I would probably engage a lawyer just to be safe...

I'm in this camp myself. It is easy to rack a reasonable bill without much benefit over just replying yourself (or potentially ignoring it which is often an underrated and extremely cheap solution for claims of low merit).

Like you say would only be doing it for particularly valuable names or for people who didn't have much legal knowledge of the area.

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