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Top Contributor
When investing in .au domains, here are some things to consider:
1. Avoid .net.au as they are becoming increasingly difficult to sell for decent prices, or at all, even for strong single keywords.
2. Stick with .com.au
3. Think about who would want the name, how it would add value to their business and how much they would be realistically willing to pay in order to receive that value.
4. Research how many businesses use the term as part of their name, domain or marketing tag line, then consider whether they would be likely to perceive benefit in paying for a shorter domain.
5. Research how many businesses pay for the term in Google search ads.
6. Read, watch and listen to as much as you can about domain name investing before purchasing domains.
7. Proceed slowly. Purchase a few names using the knowledge you've gained and see if you can sell them. It's better to have a few quality names than hundreds of junk names that will never sell.
8. Only invest what you can afford to lose.


Top Contributor
As stated above avoid .net.au like the plague.

Even in .com.au it is not the type of name that would get much interest in my view. What is the obvious business model? Who would be the obvious buyer?


Top Contributor
Read Scott7's post above carefully and you will save yourself time and money.

Park the name now with someone like www.bodis.com to monetise it and have a for sale / for enquiry page.

I would sell it and learn from the experience.

Unless it is 1 word generic and after some more research I would totally forget buying any .net.au. Spend more money to get the .com.au and even more if you can afford it for the .com.

Realestate.net.au would have value but unfortunately this name latestnews.net.au probably is worth what you paid for the registration or less sorry to say.

If you can get your money back take it. When the renewal comes up do not renew it. Save your money.

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