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There sure was.It would have been good to catch up & talk things auDA, was there much of it discussed yesterday?
Would have been good to get Tim's views about it all too!
Tim is planning a complete overhaul of auDA, starting with what he believes is the much needed rebranding of the .au space.
His goal is to replace the myriad of current extensions,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, (at this stage we tried to suggest that the latter two are not actual extensions, however, he was on a roll and there was no stopping him) with one powerful, overarching extension that will unite the entire country and send a defiant message to the world that Australia means business (.au we suggested, but no, apparently that's off the table) ... drumroll, wait for it —
And if you're excited about the forthcoming launch of AUHQ, you can forget it. That's out the window and will be replaced by TIMHQ.
For full details of Tim's plans, head over to what will become the future hub of all things domains down under,