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non payment of rates can take away your property, just ask a pensioner !!!!
my statements were meant to calm the conversation down, you guys can fight forever on this subject but it all comes back to the squat issue, ........you need to retract that in the context of dnt members, nobody denies people have/do try to do this but its not limited to .com.au but its certainly not IN dnt.

My personal opinion is that there should be a .au that is more open and .com.au should be reserved for matching business names and a limited number of related products registered in ASIC, in other words absolutly no squatting (aka directory pages) but that's just my opinion and I am keen to hear what others think.
note: you said "keen........"
i think you have a lot of reading to do before you can form an opinion and i am not making one here, i'd have to ask if you have read any of the threads of 2015 about .au? , the 2015 names policy report IN FULL? have you been part of any of the submissions to auda over the last 2 years? are you a member of auda ( you don't have to be to get this knowledge)

just giving you some hints to knowledge that's all.


Top Contributor
uffle any sensitive feathers,
i think its just in my opinion we have all worked hard to drop the squat word but it sticks and it is a knee jerk reaction, so i guess you found that out LOL
as for me , all cool, lets move on, everyone is happy to share knowledge here on a variety of different topics which you can join or ignore, and thats why its a great place to be.

my advice is take it all in and then just make your own decision as their will always be THREE sides of the coin.



non payment of rates can take away your property, just ask a pensioner !!!!
my statements were meant to calm the conversation down, you guys can fight forever on this subject but it all comes back to the squat issue, ........you need to retract that in the context of dnt members, nobody denies people have/do try to do this but its not limited to .com.au but its certainly not IN dnt.

note: you said "keen........"
i think you have a lot of reading to do before you can form an opinion and i am not making one here, i'd have to ask if you have read any of the threads of 2015 about .au? , the 2015 names policy report IN FULL? have you been part of any of the submissions to auda over the last 2 years? are you a member of auda ( you don't have to be to get this knowledge)

just giving you some hints to knowledge that's all.

I guess I was kinda busy defending my integrity to venture much since I got my training wheels off...


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Many of my websites are for customers outside Australia, so in most cases .au would have been irrelevant. I do believe the internet should be allowed to grow and part of that is availability of appropriate domain names, or am I the only one that gets frustrated with these rotten directory pages :)

There are over 1000 domain name extensions available for you to choose from.... How many more would you like and should they all be reserved for your use and no one else's choice what they do what it?

You could always offer to buy those directory pages and build them out with your superior websites?... Just like people buy existing houses and redevelop or people buy vacant land and build a house or commercial property etc?

You seem to have a very inexperienced knowledge of domain names. How they came about and what people's rights are to do with them.


Top Contributor
stop paying your mortgage or rates and see how long you own REAL estate?


... your mobile or home telephone number( you don't own it - stop paying and you lose it), your car renewal for your car number plates ( you don't own them- stop paying and you lose it)...your P.O.Box Address ( you don't own it- stop paying and you lose it).... etc


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If you don't like to call it squatting then maybe we should call it Domain Scalping
I'm squatting on a few nice names at the moment, however, I'd be willing to vacate the premises for the right price. That's providing I'm still given access to the front yard so that I have somewhere from which to scalp the rest of my names ;):D:p


There are over 1000 domain name extensions available for you to choose from.... How many more would you like and should they all be reserved for your use and no one else's choice what they do what it?

You could always offer to buy those directory pages and build them out with your superior websites?... Just like people buy existing houses and redevelop or people buy vacant land and build a house or commercial property etc?

You seem to have a very inexperienced knowledge of domain names. How they came about and what people's rights are to do with them.

Obviously your self imposed claim to superior knowledge misses the point that I have build a successful internet business across 8 countries with hundreds of websites, 32 servers, compliant payment processing in the millions every month, without ever succumbing to the clutches of a domain scalper. But then again I am just an inexperienced person with inferior knowledge to you, or maybe some people don't agree with your business model, so maybe you just have to accept people have different opinions.


Top Contributor
Obviously your self imposed claim to superior knowledge misses the point that I have build a successful internet business across 8 countries with hundreds of websites, 32 servers, compliant payment processing in the millions every month, without ever succumbing to the clutches of a domain scalper. But then again I am just an inexperienced person with inferior knowledge to you, or maybe some people don't agree with your business model, so maybe you just have to accept people have different opinions.

It all sounds like a load of rubbish to me.


Top Contributor
Obviously your self imposed claim to superior knowledge misses the point that I have build a successful internet business across 8 countries with hundreds of websites, 32 servers, compliant payment processing in the millions every month, without ever succumbing to the clutches of a domain scalper. But then again I am just an inexperienced person with inferior knowledge to you, or maybe some people don't agree with your business model, so maybe you just have to accept people have different opinions.
You've joined a community that's principally aimed at Australian domain investors. Did you expect to ingratiate yourself with other members by referring to domain investors as "squatters" and "scalpers" in your first posts here?

It seems to me that you're more interested in trolling than learning or contributing.

Aside from talking up your 'online business success', that is.

I've learnt over the years that it's usually a waste of time trying to change people's extreme opinions of domain investing. People are also entitled to their own views, and the reality is that some people will never get it (domain investing that is).

So I'm not going to debate the legitimacy of domain investing with you, because I'm quite confident that I would be wasting my time. Sean, Robert, Tim and others have also done a fine job in attempting to educate you about domain investing - evidently they have more patience than me!


Top Contributor
Obviously your self imposed claim to superior knowledge misses the point that I have build a successful internet business across 8 countries with hundreds of websites, 32 servers, compliant payment processing in the millions every month, without ever succumbing to the clutches of a domain scalper. But then again I am just an inexperienced person with inferior knowledge to you, or maybe some people don't agree with your business model, so maybe you just have to accept people have different opinions.

Sorry mate I call Bullsh%.

You missed the boat on lots of good domain names it seems you could have registered years ago in the .com. and .com.au space ....That is all I am thinking.

Primarily this forum is about domain names etc not how many servers people have or how many payment processing transactions they do etc. Maybe you could try a whirlpool subsection forum?


Top Contributor
:( Wow people are sensitive on this issue. That is probably the view shared by 99% of the population who aren't quite so clear on some of the regulations. Welcome!

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