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Id the UDRP finds in my favor...

If the UDRP finds in my favor...

If the UDRP arbitration finds in my favor, due to not proving bad faith on my side, what then?
Can I then exchange the domains for my costs, or lease them?
A decision is due on the 8th?
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I have a UDRP case that will be decided in the next week. I may win the right to the domains based on no 'bad faith'
If the transfer is denied by the NAF and I get to keep them, what then?
Can I sell them to the rightful trademark owner for out of pocket expenses or more?
Can I lease them to the complainant seeking the domains?
Just wondering what to do in the event that the domains are deemed to be mine?


* Classic Media, Inc v. Satoshi Shimoshita, WIPO Case No. D2007-0086 (March 22, 2007)
o Bad Faith element:
o The Panel held if a domain name was registered in good faith, it cannot, by changed circumstances, the passage of years, or intervening events, later be deemed to have been registered in bad faith. “It cannot be assumed that any willingness of the Respondent now to sell the Domain Name reflects its original intent in registering it, at any rate where the registration took place some six years ago and the Domain Name is descriptive and the Respondent may have had no reason to suppose that it might be the mark of a company.”
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Firstly I wouldnt be discussing the UDRP with domain on the forum, just in case it is read by a panelist, it could influence the decision. Best to wait for a decision.
Not worried about the panelist at all, as I am happy to let the facts speak for themselves.
It seems to me that lawyers fear other lawyers more than clients actually do.
So yes, firstly don't discuss it. Too late. So what is secondly?

I thought a panelist could only use the evidence presented?

I was just making the enquiry, so as to know where I stand, post a decision in my favor and how to deal with the trademark owner. I just want to feel a bit better prepared for this possible outcome.
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has the decision come down yet ?

If you have an adverse decision it is best to get ready to issue legal proceedings in Court if your case has merits, that will stop a transfer of the domain name to the Complainant. It is best if you obtain legal advice (only from lawyers experienced in this area, there are not many of us) prior to the decision just in case, as you only have a very limited period of time (10 days) to issue Court proceedings.

As for other lawyers, I don't know of any lawyers who are scared of their colleagues.

Hope that helps...

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